Thursday, December 3, 2009

The King of the Jungle wants to play!

Finally we've found out the truth about Tiger Woods. And of course the truth isn't good. In fact it's not even close to par. I view these story's slightly different than a lot of people. My reaction to the story is this, "WHO CARES." This doesn't and shouldn't matter in our lives. It doesn't make him a worse golfer, and he will be just as competitive the next time he steps on a golf course. So why should the fact that he cheats, change my opinion of him. Remember when Charles Barkley said, "I'm not a role model." Well that's the truth. The problem is that we hold these celebrities and athletes up on such a pedestal.
Look at the names; Kobe, Tiger, Bonds, Puckett, and Clemens. Those are just a few names, but they all have had some major blemishes, and what the expert call, "character issues." Percy Harvin had character issues, and look at him thus far, Jared Allen had character issues and he's doing all right. Remember the Vikings love boat incident? The entire Vikings team has character issues. But so does everyone else. I've got friends who have been to jail, I've got friends that have cheated on their significant others. I'm still friends with them. Find me a person that doesn't have character issues.
I think that we need to begin viewing these people more realistically. They are humans just like the rest of us. The only difference is they have more temptation in front of them. If I look at 10 of my friends and I put them in the same situations as the names I listed before, I think the vast majority of them would be in the same boats those guys are, some even worse. We love Tiger because of his golf. The way Tiger treats his family isn't part of my fascination with him. These guys aren't hero's, these guys aren't role models.
Does this make Tiger a bad person? No, it makes him just like a lot of guys who have made a bad choice or two or four along the way. Look at people at your work. I'm sure most of them have character issues. This just goes to show you that, money, fame, power, etc. can't buy you a perfect life. In fact I think all of that makes it more difficult. There is a reason that the divorce rates are so high in the celebrity world.
So I think we all just need to appreciate these people for what they are. I love Tiger Woods the golfer. I love David Letterman the comedian. I love Kurt Cobain the artist. I love I love Kobe Bryant the basketball player. These guys might be the slime of slime, but I don't care. I don't want Kobe dating my daughter, or Kurt Cobain taking my son hunting. The problem is some people put so much time and effort into caring what these people do, they spend less time educating and caring for those that matter.
I still want to see Tiger break Jack Nicklaus' record for majors. I haven't changed my opinion on him. Until I found out he was cheating I never really thought too much about his private life. And now that I know he was cheating, I'm not going to think too much about his private life.

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