Saturday, October 17, 2009

Illegal Alien

I stumbled upon this article from the Star Tribune.

Who is Target offending? Illegal Aliens? Are we worried about what the message we're sending to fictional beings? Or are we worried about offending the people that are in this country illegally? These kind of stories drive me nuts. We've become so sensitive, and politically correct that we can't even degrade aliens or criminals anymore. Target shouldn't apologize, instead they should just simply release a statement saying; "We here at Target are going to continue in the spirit of Halloween and sell this costume. This costume is supposed to be witty, clever, and funny. If you are offended by this costume you are either in our country illegally, or are an alien. So please shop somewhere else." Vicki Adams says, "It's insensitive, it's offensive." I'll bet you that Vicki doesn't get invited to a whole lot of Halloween party's. Can you imagine Vicki walking up to you dressed as a pirate, and letting you know that you're offending all of the pirates in the world.
I think it's a sad state we're in when we can't even pick out Halloween costumes anymore without offending anyone.

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