As Vikings fans we want to jump off the bandwagon as soon as we get behind in a game. Now after losing 2 out of 3 we're ready to drive the bandwagon off a cliff. I'm going to put an optimistic spin on things so not only will you stay on the bandwagon, but you'll buckle in and enjoy the ride.
First let's get the bad things out of the way. The number one problem is the offensive line. It has been overrated, and overlooked all year. When the Vikings were winning, the offensive line was getting a free pass. They have gotten progressively worse as the year has gone on. Until that gets fixed nothing will work. The coaching staff need to find a way to Adrian Peterson some room to run. Matt Birk anyone? Secondly this Favre and Chilly thing is way to overblown, as is everything that involves Brett Favre. But in typical Favre fashion he needed the attention and brought this up to the media. After the game Childress had his press conference and spoke nothing of it. It was a complete non issue, until old number 4 brought this to the media attention. What was Childress thinking? The media has been waiting for a juicy Favre story all year. Now it is being said that this is the 3rd time that Chilly wanted to pull Favre, funny how the first two times never ended up being a major issue. I have no idea, but I think this is a non issue What does worry me is that we've lost E.J. Henderson, and Percy Harvin suffers from Migraines with no real explanation why. Those are the worries, and they are legit and they are real.
But looking at the big picture and the NFC there is still plenty of reason for optimism. We are still 11-3. Start the season, and tell me that is our record after 14 games, and you'll here no complaint. Sure we've beaten a few cupcakes along the way, but who hasn't? We've beaten the Packers twice convincingly. And until a last second miracle they were the NFC's hottest team. We completely dominated the Cincinnati Bengals the AFC's likely #3 seed, who took the Chargers down to the wire. We beat Baltimore who could be a playoff team, and a team the beat the Chargers.
Every team has their highs and lows. Look at the Saints, if Washington doesn't miss a 22 yard field goal they would have lost 2 out of 3. Look at the Cardinals, they barely beat Detroit after getting drubbed by the 49ers. It's funny how everyone is high on the Cowboys now. Before they beat the Saints, all anyone talked about was December this and playoffs that. Everyone is all excited about the Giants because they beat the Redskins. Is that even an accomplishment? The team the worries me the most is the Eagles. But they have their own problems, the Eagles haven't beaten one team that would be in the playoffs if they started today. Their record against current playoff teams is 0-3. So find me a team, and I'll find you a giant question mark.
The NFL is over analyzed and broken down so much more than any other sport mainly because of the time between games. So do the Vikings have some issues yes. But my point is who doesn't. These NFL experts like Mike Florio from Pro Football change their opinions weekly. They have to, who wants to go to a website that says the same thing each and every week. The Vikings control their own destiny, and should be the number 2 seed, with the only potential road game being inside the Superdome. I'm not as confident as I once was, but I don't see another NFC team that I would be overly worried about if they came to the dome. We absolutely can not play like we did against the Cardinals or Panthers. But our record against current playoff teams is 4-1.
So calm down Vikings fans, and enjoy the season.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Disgressions and Death
Lately it seems like everything associated with sports has been negative. We've had a NFL player dead at the age of 26. The most famous athlete in the world leaving a trail of infidelity longer than the Robert Trent Jones trail. Not to mention locally, the best basketball player quitting before ever playing a NCAA game. What is going on? Now I'm sure if we look at the percentages it's not much different than what goes on in the real world. But let's focus on these athletes and try and figure out why things go wrong. I think it there is essentially five deadly sports sins; Money, Fame, Greed, Exposure, and 2nd Chances.
In some cases high school sporting decisions can be attributed to money, but in most cases money starts playing a role immediately after high school. The amount of money involved and that can be made in sports is astronomical. It increases at each level, and the amount of people involved grows exponentially. Look at college, it's obvious that the NCAA is a cash cow that uses the athletes to fatten their wallets. Schools that make it to a BCS bowl game earn somewhere close to 15 million dollars. Can you honestly tell me that some professor has any say or pull in the classroom with some of these higher profile athletes. Let's take Colt McCoy for instance. Do you think in the week leading up to the Big 12 championship game he was busy citing sources for a 20 page econ. paper like the rest of the seniors are doing? Now it would take a pretty strong willed person to overlook that fact and still put in the effort to not only succeed on the field, but also in the classroom. Colt McCoy with one good game makes the school millions of dollars. Do you think that some $60,000/year professor is going to get in the way of that. The BCS as a whole is a system based 100% on financial reasons. There isn't a logical argument to the way it's set up. Every kid with enough talent enough to play in the next level has to make a decision to stay or go. And most of them leave early when faced with that decision. Who are we to blame them? I mean I would drop almost anything at anytime for a shot to make millions to play in the pros.
Once you hit the pros these guys earn more money than almost any other profession. Look at Nick Punto a below average major league baseball player who makes 4 million dollars per year. Look at someone like Kevin Garnett he'll make over 300 million in his career. And it's not their fault. Without us the fans watching on TV, and going to games this money wouldn't be there. So if you come from a poor family what's it like to suddenly be given a contract of over a million per year. Who in their right mind wouldn't splurge. So their isn't much self control, because it's hard to blow the amount of cash that they make. So what do you have to worry about. I would say money is the single biggest issue in most peoples lives. And for these athletes that is something if done right, they'll never have to worry about. Look at baseball, I think you can blame the entire steroid scandal on money. The more steroids the better numbers, the better numbers the more money.
Fame and greed go hand and hand. Once these guys are in the spotlight they don't want it to leave. Look at the number of quarterbacks on TV. Is it because they all love broadcasting. Or is it because they all love being the center of attention? But who can blame any athlete. Look back at high school, the coolest kids were the best athletes. Now multiply this and you have just absolute divas in a lot of cases. They start reading their own headlines and start losing any sense of realism. They lose touch with reality. The get into the best clubs, they can go to any event at anytime. They get endorsement deals, people are just feeding the egos with every autograph request, and interview they do. I imagine it's hard to become unwanted. So you need to take more risks, or cut a few corners to get back in the limelight at any cost. We treat these guys as if their more important or valuable than us. I think in large part we lose track of a true sense of where they belong. Sure if you're a kid, it is a major event being in the presence of one of these super stars, but as you get older you should grow out of that. When I worked for KFAN, there would be lines of 100+ people to meet guys like Brock Lesnar and Marion Gaborik. And the sat part is the majority weren't kids. So how can an athlete look in the mirror and see a normal everyday guy, when we don't even see that.
Exposure is getting worse and worse. Kids are being recruited in middle school. Go to some of these recruiting websites, and you'll see kids that are 14 years old being rated. They are just kids, leave them alone. Look at these college athletes, they can not make a mistake big or small without being scrutinized by the media. Look back at your college years, and think of the crazy things you did. It has nothing to do with your athletic ability, but it is just college age kids having fun, experimenting, and discovering the world one party, and one mistake at a time. So can we give Percy Harvin and Michael Phelps a free pass for smoking a little dope? I mean I think they've done all right for themselves. Adrian Peterson and Bernard Berrian got speeding tickets and that was front page news. These athletes in some cases though create or expose themselves to the exposure. Look at Ron Artest. That guy will do anything to get his name in the paper. He wrote an open letter to Tiger Woods. I mean do you seriously think Tiger who is a billionaire and can hire any PR firm or consulting company to help him spin this, really wants his name linked with Ron Artest? I think in a lot of cases we as fans, and the media need to allow these athletes to be humans. Look at how difficult some players find it to succeed while playing in New York. I also think a lot of these players need to take the turn down the quiet street instead of going full speed down the fully exposed expressway.
Athletes seems to get 2nd and 3rd chances more often than people in other walks of life. The pressure is so high on these coaches and owners, that they are willing to overlook a persons off the field issues if they can perform on the field. I'm sure this has been the case the entire way up. Mr. Star Quarterback doesn't get suspended the 2 weeks for drinking in high school, because they're playing the big rival. It happens then, it happens in college, and it happens in the pro's. Everyone feels bad for Pete Rose, why? He admittedly gambled on baseball, and accepted a lifetime ban. So why is there this belief that he's served his time, and belongs in the hall of fame. If it were that important to him he wouldn't have broken baseball's most sacred rule. How many chances was Chris Henry given? Look how that ended up. What about Michael Vick? Look at Kevin and Pat Williams, they broke a league rule, and used a Minnesotan law loophole to avoid the suspension. And we all applaud it because they're so valuable to the team. The NFL was starting to avoid players with "character issues." But then you get a guy like Percy Harvin or Randy Moss whose on the field performance outweighs the of the field issues. I think there is a difference between a young guy making immature decisions and being over penalized for that, than a grown man making a fully informed decision knowing that he'll get another chance. Look at Michael Vick, look at Kobe Bryant, look at Ray Lewis. These guys all were accused of felonies at one time or another. What happens at you're work if you're convicted of running a dog fighting circuit, or accused of rape or accessory to murder. I'd imagine you'd be let go, and that would be the end of the story. But if you're an all-world athlete you miss more time from turf toe than you do from a felony accusation. Being a professional athlete is a privilege not a right. But for every coach or GM that takes a stand against one of these guys there is another one willing to take a chance to save their own ass.
Now obviously I've generalized a lot of players into these five categories. I think there are hundred of great human beings that use the above five categories to make a positive impact. That is one area I think that doesn't get enough coverage. I think that it just isn't as interesting to talk about the amount of charity work these guys do. Just about each and everyone one of them has their own charity event or cause in some shape and form. But when things do go wrong you can follow the five guidelines I've laid out. They are thrust upon the spotlight and given the keys to a high powered vehicle of life in the fast lane.
In some cases high school sporting decisions can be attributed to money, but in most cases money starts playing a role immediately after high school. The amount of money involved and that can be made in sports is astronomical. It increases at each level, and the amount of people involved grows exponentially. Look at college, it's obvious that the NCAA is a cash cow that uses the athletes to fatten their wallets. Schools that make it to a BCS bowl game earn somewhere close to 15 million dollars. Can you honestly tell me that some professor has any say or pull in the classroom with some of these higher profile athletes. Let's take Colt McCoy for instance. Do you think in the week leading up to the Big 12 championship game he was busy citing sources for a 20 page econ. paper like the rest of the seniors are doing? Now it would take a pretty strong willed person to overlook that fact and still put in the effort to not only succeed on the field, but also in the classroom. Colt McCoy with one good game makes the school millions of dollars. Do you think that some $60,000/year professor is going to get in the way of that. The BCS as a whole is a system based 100% on financial reasons. There isn't a logical argument to the way it's set up. Every kid with enough talent enough to play in the next level has to make a decision to stay or go. And most of them leave early when faced with that decision. Who are we to blame them? I mean I would drop almost anything at anytime for a shot to make millions to play in the pros.
Once you hit the pros these guys earn more money than almost any other profession. Look at Nick Punto a below average major league baseball player who makes 4 million dollars per year. Look at someone like Kevin Garnett he'll make over 300 million in his career. And it's not their fault. Without us the fans watching on TV, and going to games this money wouldn't be there. So if you come from a poor family what's it like to suddenly be given a contract of over a million per year. Who in their right mind wouldn't splurge. So their isn't much self control, because it's hard to blow the amount of cash that they make. So what do you have to worry about. I would say money is the single biggest issue in most peoples lives. And for these athletes that is something if done right, they'll never have to worry about. Look at baseball, I think you can blame the entire steroid scandal on money. The more steroids the better numbers, the better numbers the more money.
Fame and greed go hand and hand. Once these guys are in the spotlight they don't want it to leave. Look at the number of quarterbacks on TV. Is it because they all love broadcasting. Or is it because they all love being the center of attention? But who can blame any athlete. Look back at high school, the coolest kids were the best athletes. Now multiply this and you have just absolute divas in a lot of cases. They start reading their own headlines and start losing any sense of realism. They lose touch with reality. The get into the best clubs, they can go to any event at anytime. They get endorsement deals, people are just feeding the egos with every autograph request, and interview they do. I imagine it's hard to become unwanted. So you need to take more risks, or cut a few corners to get back in the limelight at any cost. We treat these guys as if their more important or valuable than us. I think in large part we lose track of a true sense of where they belong. Sure if you're a kid, it is a major event being in the presence of one of these super stars, but as you get older you should grow out of that. When I worked for KFAN, there would be lines of 100+ people to meet guys like Brock Lesnar and Marion Gaborik. And the sat part is the majority weren't kids. So how can an athlete look in the mirror and see a normal everyday guy, when we don't even see that.
Exposure is getting worse and worse. Kids are being recruited in middle school. Go to some of these recruiting websites, and you'll see kids that are 14 years old being rated. They are just kids, leave them alone. Look at these college athletes, they can not make a mistake big or small without being scrutinized by the media. Look back at your college years, and think of the crazy things you did. It has nothing to do with your athletic ability, but it is just college age kids having fun, experimenting, and discovering the world one party, and one mistake at a time. So can we give Percy Harvin and Michael Phelps a free pass for smoking a little dope? I mean I think they've done all right for themselves. Adrian Peterson and Bernard Berrian got speeding tickets and that was front page news. These athletes in some cases though create or expose themselves to the exposure. Look at Ron Artest. That guy will do anything to get his name in the paper. He wrote an open letter to Tiger Woods. I mean do you seriously think Tiger who is a billionaire and can hire any PR firm or consulting company to help him spin this, really wants his name linked with Ron Artest? I think in a lot of cases we as fans, and the media need to allow these athletes to be humans. Look at how difficult some players find it to succeed while playing in New York. I also think a lot of these players need to take the turn down the quiet street instead of going full speed down the fully exposed expressway.
Athletes seems to get 2nd and 3rd chances more often than people in other walks of life. The pressure is so high on these coaches and owners, that they are willing to overlook a persons off the field issues if they can perform on the field. I'm sure this has been the case the entire way up. Mr. Star Quarterback doesn't get suspended the 2 weeks for drinking in high school, because they're playing the big rival. It happens then, it happens in college, and it happens in the pro's. Everyone feels bad for Pete Rose, why? He admittedly gambled on baseball, and accepted a lifetime ban. So why is there this belief that he's served his time, and belongs in the hall of fame. If it were that important to him he wouldn't have broken baseball's most sacred rule. How many chances was Chris Henry given? Look how that ended up. What about Michael Vick? Look at Kevin and Pat Williams, they broke a league rule, and used a Minnesotan law loophole to avoid the suspension. And we all applaud it because they're so valuable to the team. The NFL was starting to avoid players with "character issues." But then you get a guy like Percy Harvin or Randy Moss whose on the field performance outweighs the of the field issues. I think there is a difference between a young guy making immature decisions and being over penalized for that, than a grown man making a fully informed decision knowing that he'll get another chance. Look at Michael Vick, look at Kobe Bryant, look at Ray Lewis. These guys all were accused of felonies at one time or another. What happens at you're work if you're convicted of running a dog fighting circuit, or accused of rape or accessory to murder. I'd imagine you'd be let go, and that would be the end of the story. But if you're an all-world athlete you miss more time from turf toe than you do from a felony accusation. Being a professional athlete is a privilege not a right. But for every coach or GM that takes a stand against one of these guys there is another one willing to take a chance to save their own ass.
Now obviously I've generalized a lot of players into these five categories. I think there are hundred of great human beings that use the above five categories to make a positive impact. That is one area I think that doesn't get enough coverage. I think that it just isn't as interesting to talk about the amount of charity work these guys do. Just about each and everyone one of them has their own charity event or cause in some shape and form. But when things do go wrong you can follow the five guidelines I've laid out. They are thrust upon the spotlight and given the keys to a high powered vehicle of life in the fast lane.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I've heard enough of Michael Wilbon of ESPN, and Henry Lake of KFAN. They are both African American, and they both can not comment on stories involving African American athletes without making race the major issue. It seems like each and every time that a story comes up with a African American in some sort of scandal or controversy, which is often self induced, they don't comment on the story but rather reflect the attention to the race issue.
5 W's
WHO - Who makes the decision as to what goes on those blue highway signs that declare that certain businesses are close enough to the highway that it would be very convenient to get off at the next exit. Yesterday I took an exit off of 494 to find a Holiday gas station. I then proceeded to drive over a mile, and through at least 6 stop lights. So that Holiday had no business being on that blue sign. If I had known the drive I'd have to endure after leaving the highway I would have never gotten off. I mean all things considered I could have reached Seattle eventually but that's not on the sign.
WHAT - What is everyone's hard on for Randy Moss. Or am I just to biased to see the bad side of him. I mean this guy has played a hall of fame career, and holds the record for most touchdowns in a season. So why does everyone get on his case every time things aren't going as planned. I mean I'm sure he does take plays off, and doesn't give 100% each play, but who doesn't? We don't search and destroy every other player that does this. What about in baseball, I think it's similar to running out a routine ground ball, we don't castrate each player that doesn't give 100% going down the line.
WHERE - Where will Aaron Rogers get drafted in fantasy drafts next year? This will be the second consecutive season that he will finish number one as far as fantasy QB's go. But I've taken an informal poll amongst friends, and I haven't met a person that has said they would take Rogers ahead of Manning, Brees, Rivers, or Brady. I wonder why this is? Is it because he's a Packer and every person I've asked is a Vikings fan? Is it because he's in such a small market? I don't understand it.
WHY - Why does everyone think that the Phillies acquiring Roy Halladay is such a huge addition over Cliff Lee. I agree taht Roy Halladay is a better pitcher than Cliff Lee but by how much. Not enough in my opinion to give up 2 of their best prospects. Everyone keeps talking about Roy Halladay is going to clean up in the National League, and he might, but look at Johan Santana. He's been outstanding, but he won more Cy Youngs in the AL than the NL. My point is I just don't think that pitchers like Cliff Lee are appreciated as much as they should be.
WHEN - When is Tiger going to play golf again, and when will this all end. I previously wrote about my disdain for the Tiger saga. But it's impossible to avoid. I find it hard to believe that he is going to skip the Masters or any other major. The majors are what this guy does. And what does not playing golf do? What's it like at home. I've heard that they're getting a divorce, so why doesn't he just keep playing. Not only golf but the women side of things too. Bill Simmons wrote about this. But he should just continue to dominate the golf world, but start throwing the ladies down in each and every tour stop. So not only are the sponsors curious as to which tournaments Tiger's going to play, but the ladies are going to start looking at the schedule as well. Think if Tiger rolled up to each tournament with a lady under each arm, and got rid of Steve Williams, and replaced him with female caddy. My advice for Tiger . . . . Play on Playa.
WHAT - What is everyone's hard on for Randy Moss. Or am I just to biased to see the bad side of him. I mean this guy has played a hall of fame career, and holds the record for most touchdowns in a season. So why does everyone get on his case every time things aren't going as planned. I mean I'm sure he does take plays off, and doesn't give 100% each play, but who doesn't? We don't search and destroy every other player that does this. What about in baseball, I think it's similar to running out a routine ground ball, we don't castrate each player that doesn't give 100% going down the line.
WHERE - Where will Aaron Rogers get drafted in fantasy drafts next year? This will be the second consecutive season that he will finish number one as far as fantasy QB's go. But I've taken an informal poll amongst friends, and I haven't met a person that has said they would take Rogers ahead of Manning, Brees, Rivers, or Brady. I wonder why this is? Is it because he's a Packer and every person I've asked is a Vikings fan? Is it because he's in such a small market? I don't understand it.
WHY - Why does everyone think that the Phillies acquiring Roy Halladay is such a huge addition over Cliff Lee. I agree taht Roy Halladay is a better pitcher than Cliff Lee but by how much. Not enough in my opinion to give up 2 of their best prospects. Everyone keeps talking about Roy Halladay is going to clean up in the National League, and he might, but look at Johan Santana. He's been outstanding, but he won more Cy Youngs in the AL than the NL. My point is I just don't think that pitchers like Cliff Lee are appreciated as much as they should be.
WHEN - When is Tiger going to play golf again, and when will this all end. I previously wrote about my disdain for the Tiger saga. But it's impossible to avoid. I find it hard to believe that he is going to skip the Masters or any other major. The majors are what this guy does. And what does not playing golf do? What's it like at home. I've heard that they're getting a divorce, so why doesn't he just keep playing. Not only golf but the women side of things too. Bill Simmons wrote about this. But he should just continue to dominate the golf world, but start throwing the ladies down in each and every tour stop. So not only are the sponsors curious as to which tournaments Tiger's going to play, but the ladies are going to start looking at the schedule as well. Think if Tiger rolled up to each tournament with a lady under each arm, and got rid of Steve Williams, and replaced him with female caddy. My advice for Tiger . . . . Play on Playa.
Monday, December 7, 2009
5 W's
WHO - Who was that team that played the Cardinals last night on Sunday night football. That wasn't the 2009 Minnesota Vikings. That team got dominated in every aspect of the game. And what's the deal with Adrian Peterson. Is this a little slump, or is there a bigger issue. I don't want to over react to one game. So I'll wait until after the Bengals game this week to get to worked up. I'm calling it the "Debauchery in the Desert."
WHAT - What was Texas doing at the end of the game the other day? I mean that was literally the worst clock management I've ever seen. For those of you who haven't seen it, Texas runs a play and the clock is running with 28 seconds to go, and then with like 6 seconds left needing only a field goal to win, they run another play, and runs the time out by passing the ball out of bounds, and loses the game, but after review the officials put 1 second back on the clock, and Texas kicks a game winning field goal. TEXAS HAD A TIMEOUT!!!!!
WHERE - Where will Tim Tebow be drafted now that his NCAA career is almost over? I have heard everything from a 2nd rounder to 5th rounder. I think anything 3rd round and after is a crapshoot anyway. So why not take a chance on this guy. He is a proven leader, playmaker, and most of all winner. So I don't care if he's a tight end, fullback, or h-back, I would like to see him in purple. This guy is special, and I think you immediately make your team better by having him on it. It just adds another dimension as to what you can do with your offense.
WHEN - When are the Twins going to sign Joe Mauer. The longer this goes on, the longer I think it might not happen. I think the Twins should just do it, and get it over with. The problem is they can't afford him financially and want to stay competitive, but they can't afford it public relations wise, if they finally get this stadium, and the first big free agent they let go, is the hometown here. So just give him a check, let him write the number in that he wants, because you have to do it. Knowing the Twins though, I bet they're waiting for something like Twinsfest to do it, just to create more publicity.
WHY - Why can't we get a better system in college football? You could have 3 teams finish the season undefeated? Granted the National championship is an ideal matchup, but what about the other teams. What about Cincy, thay play in one of the big conferences, the Big East. What if they beat Florida and finsh undefeated? They can't be national champions. So obvisously this system is broken. Now with all of that being said, we're not going to change the system, so why doesn't Boise St. make the toughest non-conference schedule in the country? Sort of what Memphis does in college basketball. I know they played Oregon, but that was the only ranked team they played all year. So I don't feel too bad for these smaller schools that do have the cream puff schedules.
WHAT - What was Texas doing at the end of the game the other day? I mean that was literally the worst clock management I've ever seen. For those of you who haven't seen it, Texas runs a play and the clock is running with 28 seconds to go, and then with like 6 seconds left needing only a field goal to win, they run another play, and runs the time out by passing the ball out of bounds, and loses the game, but after review the officials put 1 second back on the clock, and Texas kicks a game winning field goal. TEXAS HAD A TIMEOUT!!!!!
WHERE - Where will Tim Tebow be drafted now that his NCAA career is almost over? I have heard everything from a 2nd rounder to 5th rounder. I think anything 3rd round and after is a crapshoot anyway. So why not take a chance on this guy. He is a proven leader, playmaker, and most of all winner. So I don't care if he's a tight end, fullback, or h-back, I would like to see him in purple. This guy is special, and I think you immediately make your team better by having him on it. It just adds another dimension as to what you can do with your offense.
WHEN - When are the Twins going to sign Joe Mauer. The longer this goes on, the longer I think it might not happen. I think the Twins should just do it, and get it over with. The problem is they can't afford him financially and want to stay competitive, but they can't afford it public relations wise, if they finally get this stadium, and the first big free agent they let go, is the hometown here. So just give him a check, let him write the number in that he wants, because you have to do it. Knowing the Twins though, I bet they're waiting for something like Twinsfest to do it, just to create more publicity.
WHY - Why can't we get a better system in college football? You could have 3 teams finish the season undefeated? Granted the National championship is an ideal matchup, but what about the other teams. What about Cincy, thay play in one of the big conferences, the Big East. What if they beat Florida and finsh undefeated? They can't be national champions. So obvisously this system is broken. Now with all of that being said, we're not going to change the system, so why doesn't Boise St. make the toughest non-conference schedule in the country? Sort of what Memphis does in college basketball. I know they played Oregon, but that was the only ranked team they played all year. So I don't feel too bad for these smaller schools that do have the cream puff schedules.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The King of the Jungle wants to play!
Finally we've found out the truth about Tiger Woods. And of course the truth isn't good. In fact it's not even close to par. I view these story's slightly different than a lot of people. My reaction to the story is this, "WHO CARES." This doesn't and shouldn't matter in our lives. It doesn't make him a worse golfer, and he will be just as competitive the next time he steps on a golf course. So why should the fact that he cheats, change my opinion of him. Remember when Charles Barkley said, "I'm not a role model." Well that's the truth. The problem is that we hold these celebrities and athletes up on such a pedestal.
Look at the names; Kobe, Tiger, Bonds, Puckett, and Clemens. Those are just a few names, but they all have had some major blemishes, and what the expert call, "character issues." Percy Harvin had character issues, and look at him thus far, Jared Allen had character issues and he's doing all right. Remember the Vikings love boat incident? The entire Vikings team has character issues. But so does everyone else. I've got friends who have been to jail, I've got friends that have cheated on their significant others. I'm still friends with them. Find me a person that doesn't have character issues.
I think that we need to begin viewing these people more realistically. They are humans just like the rest of us. The only difference is they have more temptation in front of them. If I look at 10 of my friends and I put them in the same situations as the names I listed before, I think the vast majority of them would be in the same boats those guys are, some even worse. We love Tiger because of his golf. The way Tiger treats his family isn't part of my fascination with him. These guys aren't hero's, these guys aren't role models.
Does this make Tiger a bad person? No, it makes him just like a lot of guys who have made a bad choice or two or four along the way. Look at people at your work. I'm sure most of them have character issues. This just goes to show you that, money, fame, power, etc. can't buy you a perfect life. In fact I think all of that makes it more difficult. There is a reason that the divorce rates are so high in the celebrity world.
So I think we all just need to appreciate these people for what they are. I love Tiger Woods the golfer. I love David Letterman the comedian. I love Kurt Cobain the artist. I love I love Kobe Bryant the basketball player. These guys might be the slime of slime, but I don't care. I don't want Kobe dating my daughter, or Kurt Cobain taking my son hunting. The problem is some people put so much time and effort into caring what these people do, they spend less time educating and caring for those that matter.
I still want to see Tiger break Jack Nicklaus' record for majors. I haven't changed my opinion on him. Until I found out he was cheating I never really thought too much about his private life. And now that I know he was cheating, I'm not going to think too much about his private life.
Look at the names; Kobe, Tiger, Bonds, Puckett, and Clemens. Those are just a few names, but they all have had some major blemishes, and what the expert call, "character issues." Percy Harvin had character issues, and look at him thus far, Jared Allen had character issues and he's doing all right. Remember the Vikings love boat incident? The entire Vikings team has character issues. But so does everyone else. I've got friends who have been to jail, I've got friends that have cheated on their significant others. I'm still friends with them. Find me a person that doesn't have character issues.
I think that we need to begin viewing these people more realistically. They are humans just like the rest of us. The only difference is they have more temptation in front of them. If I look at 10 of my friends and I put them in the same situations as the names I listed before, I think the vast majority of them would be in the same boats those guys are, some even worse. We love Tiger because of his golf. The way Tiger treats his family isn't part of my fascination with him. These guys aren't hero's, these guys aren't role models.
Does this make Tiger a bad person? No, it makes him just like a lot of guys who have made a bad choice or two or four along the way. Look at people at your work. I'm sure most of them have character issues. This just goes to show you that, money, fame, power, etc. can't buy you a perfect life. In fact I think all of that makes it more difficult. There is a reason that the divorce rates are so high in the celebrity world.
So I think we all just need to appreciate these people for what they are. I love Tiger Woods the golfer. I love David Letterman the comedian. I love Kurt Cobain the artist. I love I love Kobe Bryant the basketball player. These guys might be the slime of slime, but I don't care. I don't want Kobe dating my daughter, or Kurt Cobain taking my son hunting. The problem is some people put so much time and effort into caring what these people do, they spend less time educating and caring for those that matter.
I still want to see Tiger break Jack Nicklaus' record for majors. I haven't changed my opinion on him. Until I found out he was cheating I never really thought too much about his private life. And now that I know he was cheating, I'm not going to think too much about his private life.
Monday, November 30, 2009
5 W's from the Weekend.
I'm starting a new feature here on the blog. I'm going to post a column every Monday titled the 5 W's from the Weekend. I'm going to lightly cover the Who, What, Where, When, and Why from the weekend.
WHO - Who are the people in charge that think the BCS is right? I mean what's the point of playing college football if you win every game and aren't considered a champion? What's that all about? I mean as far as far as I can figure out, there is a chance for 4 teams to be undefeated at the end of the season, with only one be able to say that they're National Champions. So who are the guys that don't want a system in place that has them play each other?
WHAT - What the hell happened at Tiger Woods house The latest I've heard is that his wife was attacking him, after hearing rumors of an alleged affair he had been having. Tiger has managed to avoid speaking with the police now for 3 days about this incident. I mean he's acting like a child here. Saying it's he's taking all the blame, and no one needs to worry about it. Obviously there is much much more to the story than he's letting on. It looks as though his perfect public image is about to take a huge hit.
WHEN - When will the Colt's lose, or the Nets win. The Net's haven't won a game yet this year in the NBA. Also as far as the Colt's go, these so called experts keep saying that the Vikings better hope that Favre doesn't get hurt. Well let's see here, he holds the record for most consecutive games played, so what you make these guys think that, that is likely. Along those same lines, what would the Colt's record be with out their ironhorse, Peyton Manning?
WHY - Why is there this feeling of sadness that Charlie Weiss is getting fired from Notre Dame? I mean it's almost as if it's a debate as to whether that fat slob should get fired? He went 16-21 with very highly rated recruiting classes. He finished the year with 4 game losing streak. Not many of the Belicheck disciples have fared to well without, Belicheck and Brady. Not to mention I think he had an 18 million dollar buyout. So think how much food that fat slob can buy now.
WHO - Who are the people in charge that think the BCS is right? I mean what's the point of playing college football if you win every game and aren't considered a champion? What's that all about? I mean as far as far as I can figure out, there is a chance for 4 teams to be undefeated at the end of the season, with only one be able to say that they're National Champions. So who are the guys that don't want a system in place that has them play each other?
WHAT - What the hell happened at Tiger Woods house The latest I've heard is that his wife was attacking him, after hearing rumors of an alleged affair he had been having. Tiger has managed to avoid speaking with the police now for 3 days about this incident. I mean he's acting like a child here. Saying it's he's taking all the blame, and no one needs to worry about it. Obviously there is much much more to the story than he's letting on. It looks as though his perfect public image is about to take a huge hit.
WHEN - When will the Colt's lose, or the Nets win. The Net's haven't won a game yet this year in the NBA. Also as far as the Colt's go, these so called experts keep saying that the Vikings better hope that Favre doesn't get hurt. Well let's see here, he holds the record for most consecutive games played, so what you make these guys think that, that is likely. Along those same lines, what would the Colt's record be with out their ironhorse, Peyton Manning?
WHY - Why is there this feeling of sadness that Charlie Weiss is getting fired from Notre Dame? I mean it's almost as if it's a debate as to whether that fat slob should get fired? He went 16-21 with very highly rated recruiting classes. He finished the year with 4 game losing streak. Not many of the Belicheck disciples have fared to well without, Belicheck and Brady. Not to mention I think he had an 18 million dollar buyout. So think how much food that fat slob can buy now.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanksgiving and Fantasy Football
I am a huge fantasy sports guy. But I got to talking the other day, and begin to think about the players in the actual leagues who play fantasy football, and how do they approach it? For instance let's say Matt Forte plays fantasy football, and he of course drafted himself. But he also has Ray Rice and Ryan Grant on his team. So who does he start this week? Ray Rice is a must start, and Ryan Grant is playing the Lions while Forte and the Bears take on the Viki9ngs. Does Forte sit himself? I mean he definitely should. But how do the players do it?
Also since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I wanted to express my gratitude and say thanks for a few things. I'd love for you to also share what you're thankful for.
I am thankful that the Twins took Joe Mauer instead of Mark Prior in the 2001 MLB draft.
I am thankful that Brett Favre decided to unretire and play for the Minnesota Vikings.
I am thankful that the Minnesota Wild are terrible and made the decision to not renew the season tickets so easy.
I am thankful that a team like the Browns and a few others passed on Adrian Peterson and Percy Harvin.
Also since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I wanted to express my gratitude and say thanks for a few things. I'd love for you to also share what you're thankful for.
I am thankful that the Twins took Joe Mauer instead of Mark Prior in the 2001 MLB draft.
I am thankful that Brett Favre decided to unretire and play for the Minnesota Vikings.
I am thankful that the Minnesota Wild are terrible and made the decision to not renew the season tickets so easy.
I am thankful that a team like the Browns and a few others passed on Adrian Peterson and Percy Harvin.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Stadium Debate??
In the last couple of days the Vikings stadium debate has really heated up. The Minneapolis Stadium Commission which owns the Metrodome has offered the Vikings an additional two years on their lease, rent free, along with all the revenue from postseason games. The Vikings answered by breaking off talks with the group, they saw this as a slap in the face. So it got me thinking. Why don't we come up with a solution to build a stadium?
I understand the economic climate, and I am fully aware that 500 million dollars of taxpayer money could go to schools, and hospitals, etc. I understand there isn't much logic to paying for a stadium for a billionaire. I fully understand the people who aren't sports fans and could care less if the Vikings ever get a stadium of even if they move out of town. So if you don't want a stadium, I fully understand your side. I don't want to pay anything for the stadium either.
But I do want a Vikings stadium. For those of you who are Vikings fans like myself. I'm guessing that your falls are consumed by the Vikings. When was the last time you went more than a day without talking about them. When was the last Sunday in the fall you didn't try to watch them. What I'm trying to say is the Vikings are a major part of our lives in Minnesota. In the grand scheme of life the Vikings aren't as important as education or things of that nature. But for some of us they are very important. If they left my life wouldn't change a whole lot. In today's NFL, you can follow any team from any where. So I could still watch the LA Vikings play every Sunday if I wanted to. But I don't to. I want the Vikings in Minnesota.
We built a stadium for the Twins. We built a stadium for the Gophers. Why not the Vikings. If you look at ratings the Vikings dominate. The worst rated Vikings telecast this year will be higher than any Twins game all year, including the one game playoff. And don't even get me started on the Gophers. So they're our favorite team, and they've been competitive for 40+ years. So why are our leaders making this so difficult. I know that no one wants to add any fees or taxes in this economy, but the Vikings we're talking about a stadium back when the Twins and Gophers were too. One of the ideas I've heard is to put slot machines at Cantebury. But some are opposed to that because they don't want to offend the Native Americans. They don't want to offend the Native Americans? According to Wikipedia the Native Americans make up 1% or our population. So that means that 99% of the population is not Native American. And ratings for Vikings games are usually around 40% of the televisions in the market. So that means roughly 39-40% of the state watches the Vikings. So we don't want to offend the 1% Native Americans but have no problem offending the other 39-40% of Minnesotans that are Vikings fans by potentially letting them leave?
I know that there is a lot more to this story than I've even come close to. I think that these politicians need to pull their heads out of there asses, and find a solution. I don't care what you do. I don't want to pay for it, but I don't want them leaving. So if it's a hospitality tax increase, slot machines, user fees, etc. I don't care just get it done.
For some of us the Vikings are what connects us to friends, family members, dads, and neighbors. Lastly without the Vikings we'd really have no reason to hate Wisconsin, and who wants to like them?
I understand the economic climate, and I am fully aware that 500 million dollars of taxpayer money could go to schools, and hospitals, etc. I understand there isn't much logic to paying for a stadium for a billionaire. I fully understand the people who aren't sports fans and could care less if the Vikings ever get a stadium of even if they move out of town. So if you don't want a stadium, I fully understand your side. I don't want to pay anything for the stadium either.
But I do want a Vikings stadium. For those of you who are Vikings fans like myself. I'm guessing that your falls are consumed by the Vikings. When was the last time you went more than a day without talking about them. When was the last Sunday in the fall you didn't try to watch them. What I'm trying to say is the Vikings are a major part of our lives in Minnesota. In the grand scheme of life the Vikings aren't as important as education or things of that nature. But for some of us they are very important. If they left my life wouldn't change a whole lot. In today's NFL, you can follow any team from any where. So I could still watch the LA Vikings play every Sunday if I wanted to. But I don't to. I want the Vikings in Minnesota.
We built a stadium for the Twins. We built a stadium for the Gophers. Why not the Vikings. If you look at ratings the Vikings dominate. The worst rated Vikings telecast this year will be higher than any Twins game all year, including the one game playoff. And don't even get me started on the Gophers. So they're our favorite team, and they've been competitive for 40+ years. So why are our leaders making this so difficult. I know that no one wants to add any fees or taxes in this economy, but the Vikings we're talking about a stadium back when the Twins and Gophers were too. One of the ideas I've heard is to put slot machines at Cantebury. But some are opposed to that because they don't want to offend the Native Americans. They don't want to offend the Native Americans? According to Wikipedia the Native Americans make up 1% or our population. So that means that 99% of the population is not Native American. And ratings for Vikings games are usually around 40% of the televisions in the market. So that means roughly 39-40% of the state watches the Vikings. So we don't want to offend the 1% Native Americans but have no problem offending the other 39-40% of Minnesotans that are Vikings fans by potentially letting them leave?
I know that there is a lot more to this story than I've even come close to. I think that these politicians need to pull their heads out of there asses, and find a solution. I don't care what you do. I don't want to pay for it, but I don't want them leaving. So if it's a hospitality tax increase, slot machines, user fees, etc. I don't care just get it done.
For some of us the Vikings are what connects us to friends, family members, dads, and neighbors. Lastly without the Vikings we'd really have no reason to hate Wisconsin, and who wants to like them?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Over Saturated
I don't how many of you watched the Thursday game yesterday, but an interesting thing happened in the first quarter, the announcers sound or mics weren't working. So I was watching the game without the talking heads. I thought it was odd at first, but as it went on I started to really enjoy it.
As I'm watching the game with no sound I realize everything I need to know is already on the screen. I know the score, the down and distance, I've even got the yellow line telling me how far they need to go for the first down. And remember as Joe Buck will tell you, that yellow line is not official. But the referees mics worked so I knew what the penalties were. So I wasn't missing any vital information that I needed to enjoy watching the game.
What was I missing. Well in that particular game, I was missing Matt Millen's opinion on everything. Why the hell do I want his opinion on everything. He took over a team and the end result was year after year of being terrible, and then ending it without winning a game. That means that in 2009 Matt Millen and I each built produced 0 victories in the NFL. The difference between us, was that he was the GM for the lions, and I sat at home. What about all these other guys that sit in the booth's and talk. Why the hell do I care what their opinions are. Sure some of them like Troy Aikmen and a handful of others played the game, and can offer insights into the actual game. But most of it is useless, and pointless banter.
What I would like to see is a little less talk in the booth. I realize we're never going to go silent, but less of the pointless comments. Whenever a team is down by 7 with 1:47 left in a game, and it's 4th and 8 from the opponents 47, you do not need to add in the typical, "This is the biggest play of the game" comment. Everyone watching football knows that, and those that don't know, don't care. So please refrain from treating everyone like we're idiots. What we want to know Troy, and Matt is what the players are thinking. Leave the obvious and simple comments to us.
As I'm watching the game with no sound I realize everything I need to know is already on the screen. I know the score, the down and distance, I've even got the yellow line telling me how far they need to go for the first down. And remember as Joe Buck will tell you, that yellow line is not official. But the referees mics worked so I knew what the penalties were. So I wasn't missing any vital information that I needed to enjoy watching the game.
What was I missing. Well in that particular game, I was missing Matt Millen's opinion on everything. Why the hell do I want his opinion on everything. He took over a team and the end result was year after year of being terrible, and then ending it without winning a game. That means that in 2009 Matt Millen and I each built produced 0 victories in the NFL. The difference between us, was that he was the GM for the lions, and I sat at home. What about all these other guys that sit in the booth's and talk. Why the hell do I care what their opinions are. Sure some of them like Troy Aikmen and a handful of others played the game, and can offer insights into the actual game. But most of it is useless, and pointless banter.
What I would like to see is a little less talk in the booth. I realize we're never going to go silent, but less of the pointless comments. Whenever a team is down by 7 with 1:47 left in a game, and it's 4th and 8 from the opponents 47, you do not need to add in the typical, "This is the biggest play of the game" comment. Everyone watching football knows that, and those that don't know, don't care. So please refrain from treating everyone like we're idiots. What we want to know Troy, and Matt is what the players are thinking. Leave the obvious and simple comments to us.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Gophers Football
What's the deal with the Minnesota Gopher football program? The University of Minnesota is the fourth largest college in the country, in a major metropolitan area, and we can't build a decent program. We play in a big time conference, against big time opponents. The problem is they are always better than us. What makes these other schools different than the Gophers?
We used to have tradition. From 1934 - 1960 we won 6 National Championships. That's one every four years. So what's changed since then. We haven't experienced a whole lot of success since 1960. So how did we go from a power house program to where we are now? In winning the big ten you earn a spot in the coveted Rose Bowl. We haven't been there since 1962. That is the longest streak of any big ten team.
I just don't understand why we can't compete at the same level as Iowa, Wisconsin, Purdue. I'm not even talking about Ohio State, Michigan, or Penn State. The team has lost entire generations of fans. I mean they're one of the oldest teams in the country. They played their first game in 1882. That means they've had 127 years to build this program. I was born in 1981 and they haven't played in an actual meaningful game since. Sure they've won a big game here and there, , upset a team or two, and played in bowl games. But I'm talking about actual National prominence. We play for Paul Bunyan's axe, Floyd of Rosdale, the Governors cup, and the little Brown Jug. Sure those are interesting and fun. But do you know what other teams play for? They play for Big Ten titles and National Championships.
People say that it's because no one cares. Well that's because they're never any good. Nobody likes a loser. We built a brand new stadium for them, and they can't even sell that out. I watch college football on Saturday's and wish the Gophers played in meaningful games. College Football's slogan is every game counts. Not if you're the gophers. If you're the gophers, no ever count.
Glen Mason came in here and put the Gophers back on the big ten map. They never won the Big Ten, but they got close a couple of times. They had a collapse against Michigan, and a couple of tough losses. So he got us close. And we fired him. We fired him because we demand more and expect more. So we hire Tim Brewster, who had never been a head coach before. If you want to show that you care, put a pile of money out there that no coach can turn down. Hey Urban Meyer, I know coaching the Florida Gators is fun especially when you're making 4 million a year, but how about packing up and moving north for 6 million a year. Let's see if you can coach then.
I am just done with the Gophers until they show me that winning matters.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
As most Vikings fans like myself anticipate the Vikings vs. Packers showdown. We also anticipate the reaction Favre will receive. I am anticipating something bigger. What's bigger than a important divisional game, with Favre returning to Lambeau after playing there for 16 years? I am anticipating the birth of my first child.
I've spent the last 9 months answering and pondering the question? Are you ready? My response and feeling is that it doesn't matter. There is no turning back now. I'm going to be a dad in no more than 72 hours. People often say that the greatest day of their life is the birth of their child. How do you prepare for the greatest day of your life?
So am I ready? I'd like to say yes, but I'm afraid the answer is no. Does that mean I'm going to fail, probably not. I have spent the better part of my life planning and organizing things. I'm one of those people that likes have a plan. I don't like a lot of spontaneity in my life. Sure I can handle a change of plans or surprise now and then, but I like to know whats coming. So what is coming? A 24/7 responsibility for the rest of my life. I'm the guy that's eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every time my wife hasn't been home to prepare a meal. I'm not talking like 2 or 3 times. When eating dinner by myself I'm like the Brett Favre or Cal Ripken of PB and J meals.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about Rusty and his life. I remember all the times when I was a kid, saying and thinking about when I have a kid, all of the things I'd do different. But now looking back, I think I'll do much of the same. I couldn't believe my parents made me do my homework every night instead of going back for another game of street football with Billy, Bobby, and Danny. I'll have a lot of time to prepare for certain situations with Rusty. I mean for the next year or so, he'll be a human depository, with no social skills, and terrible communication habits. But it's after that, that what I think about. How much do I want him to be like me? How much information do I force into his developing brain. On the flip side how much freedom do I give him? I have lived a life with a ton of freedom. My parents gave me plenty of freedom, sometime I took advantage of it, and sometimes I didn't. My wife gives me tons of freedom. Sometimes I take advantage of it(read the high school hockey tournament blog), sometime I don't. I want Rusty to make mistakes. I want Rusty to lose and fail. I think those things make a person stronger. It'll make him work that much harder to try and win and succeed. I don't want him to lose, fail, and make mistakes for 20 years like the timberwolves, but I'm not expecting a Yankees like philosophy either.
Nature vs. Nurture was always interesting to me, and now I'm going to sit court side and watch. I think there is a fair argument to both sides. I think nature and nurture actually come to a tie. I think it will be a challenge keeping it balanced. I can't pick his friends, but his friends will have a major impact. I don't want to be the Brad Childress of parenting. I will have a game plan, but I may need to call an audible every once in a while. I also want Rusty to scramble and make a play if the defense outsmarts us both. I don't want Rusty to be afraid to take risks. I want Rusty to go for 2 and the win at the end of the game, when an extra point will tie it up. I think that so many people now days are so afraid of failing that they never take a chance to succeed.
I think what I anticipate the most is myself. How will I transform into the next stage of my life. Am I ready to move on, do I have to move on? I'm sure most people experience these thoughts on the eve of having a child. I'm going to go into this wishing and hoping that Rusty will enjoy his life as much as I have. I'm not going to worry about global warming, or terrorism. I don't even really care whether the President is republican or Democrat. I am going to make sure that Rusty has the resources he needs to succeed. I'm not going to force him to wear a bike helmet. My philosophy will be this, "If you fall off your bike onto your head, you should either not ride a bike or be more careful and not fall on your head." I'm not going to make Rusty run laps in the back yard, preparing him to become the center fielder for the Yankees. I'm not going to make him throw 200 footballs through a tire every night preparing him to become the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. I"m going to live my life, and let him live his. I'll be there as a base coach while he's running the bases. But if he gets picked off like Nick Punto against the Yankees, he's gonna sit on the bench for a while.
I'm going to approach this with a open mind. There are going to be highs and there will be lows. And I'm going to be prepared for both. I'm going to let Rusty choose his path in life . . . . as long as he ends up being a defensemen on the Gophers hockey team. So go ahead Heather pop at any time I'm ready.
I've spent the last 9 months answering and pondering the question? Are you ready? My response and feeling is that it doesn't matter. There is no turning back now. I'm going to be a dad in no more than 72 hours. People often say that the greatest day of their life is the birth of their child. How do you prepare for the greatest day of your life?
So am I ready? I'd like to say yes, but I'm afraid the answer is no. Does that mean I'm going to fail, probably not. I have spent the better part of my life planning and organizing things. I'm one of those people that likes have a plan. I don't like a lot of spontaneity in my life. Sure I can handle a change of plans or surprise now and then, but I like to know whats coming. So what is coming? A 24/7 responsibility for the rest of my life. I'm the guy that's eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every time my wife hasn't been home to prepare a meal. I'm not talking like 2 or 3 times. When eating dinner by myself I'm like the Brett Favre or Cal Ripken of PB and J meals.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about Rusty and his life. I remember all the times when I was a kid, saying and thinking about when I have a kid, all of the things I'd do different. But now looking back, I think I'll do much of the same. I couldn't believe my parents made me do my homework every night instead of going back for another game of street football with Billy, Bobby, and Danny. I'll have a lot of time to prepare for certain situations with Rusty. I mean for the next year or so, he'll be a human depository, with no social skills, and terrible communication habits. But it's after that, that what I think about. How much do I want him to be like me? How much information do I force into his developing brain. On the flip side how much freedom do I give him? I have lived a life with a ton of freedom. My parents gave me plenty of freedom, sometime I took advantage of it, and sometimes I didn't. My wife gives me tons of freedom. Sometimes I take advantage of it(read the high school hockey tournament blog), sometime I don't. I want Rusty to make mistakes. I want Rusty to lose and fail. I think those things make a person stronger. It'll make him work that much harder to try and win and succeed. I don't want him to lose, fail, and make mistakes for 20 years like the timberwolves, but I'm not expecting a Yankees like philosophy either.
Nature vs. Nurture was always interesting to me, and now I'm going to sit court side and watch. I think there is a fair argument to both sides. I think nature and nurture actually come to a tie. I think it will be a challenge keeping it balanced. I can't pick his friends, but his friends will have a major impact. I don't want to be the Brad Childress of parenting. I will have a game plan, but I may need to call an audible every once in a while. I also want Rusty to scramble and make a play if the defense outsmarts us both. I don't want Rusty to be afraid to take risks. I want Rusty to go for 2 and the win at the end of the game, when an extra point will tie it up. I think that so many people now days are so afraid of failing that they never take a chance to succeed.
I think what I anticipate the most is myself. How will I transform into the next stage of my life. Am I ready to move on, do I have to move on? I'm sure most people experience these thoughts on the eve of having a child. I'm going to go into this wishing and hoping that Rusty will enjoy his life as much as I have. I'm not going to worry about global warming, or terrorism. I don't even really care whether the President is republican or Democrat. I am going to make sure that Rusty has the resources he needs to succeed. I'm not going to force him to wear a bike helmet. My philosophy will be this, "If you fall off your bike onto your head, you should either not ride a bike or be more careful and not fall on your head." I'm not going to make Rusty run laps in the back yard, preparing him to become the center fielder for the Yankees. I'm not going to make him throw 200 footballs through a tire every night preparing him to become the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. I"m going to live my life, and let him live his. I'll be there as a base coach while he's running the bases. But if he gets picked off like Nick Punto against the Yankees, he's gonna sit on the bench for a while.
I'm going to approach this with a open mind. There are going to be highs and there will be lows. And I'm going to be prepared for both. I'm going to let Rusty choose his path in life . . . . as long as he ends up being a defensemen on the Gophers hockey team. So go ahead Heather pop at any time I'm ready.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Steve Phillips Affair
I'm sure most of you have heard the story of former ESPN analyst Steve Phillips alleged affair. If you haven't read the letter from his girlfriend to his wife, then you're missing out. Click on the title of this blog to read the actual letter.
What's going on?
The first thing I want you to do is click on the title of this blog. Now after reading this what do you think? If you agree with the decision, then go to the highest floor of the building that you're reading this in, and jump out. This was a football game, being announced by football guys. One of them made a funny comment about what Juan Pablo Montaya might be doing. Who the hell cares. I mean find me a group of guys that don't watch a sporting event and tell tasteless, and discriminating jokes. Who are the people that are offended by these things. Really, where are they? I'm serious, I know a lot of guys and none of them would find this the least bit offensive. You're talking about a Mexican guy, and commented that he might be eating a Mexican meal. What if he was actually eating a taco?
Here is a crazy idea. What if the people that are offended by these comments just don't tune in. Something tells me that the people that did complain weren't a group of Mexican men. Is it just ESPN afraid of losing sponsors? I just don't get it. First of all if I did hear something offensive on TV, who the hell knows who to call. Let's say I'm offended that someone on VH1 said something that offended a overweight red headed white guy. Do I call 411 and ask for VH1? I mean you have to be pretty offended to take the time to research the company just to find out how to contact them.
Last week some people were upset that Jeff Fisher, the coach of the Tennessee Titans was wearing a Colts jersey at a charity benefit. I mean I love sports as much as anybody, but if Brad Childress was wearing a Packers jersey I wouldn't lose any sleep, let alone take the time or to show my displeasure with him.
We've become so politically correct that we're beginning to eliminate humor. Have you ever heard a group of old guys talk. All they do is insult the different cultures. I just don't get why there are so many whiny bitches out there. Where does this start. Is it the parents? Is it the schools? I'm about to bring a child into this world, and I hope that he doesn't become one of them. How do I protect him from this. I don't want him to become a racist bigot. But I want him to have a set. I don't want him to come crying to mommy every time someone takes a couple of jabs at him.
We need someone to stand up to these people. Jeff Fisher tried to. He said, he would do it again if he had the chance. I'm just so sick of these whiny bitches suing, and crying every time some person gets made fun of. What would happen if Paul Revere rode into Boston now, and claimed "The Redcoats are coming, the Redcoats are coming." Would the British show up, and start whining about the racist redcoats remark?
I know I've ventured far from my point, but it's just getting old. There was nothing inappropriate about this comment. I don't care what Bob Griese says, he doesn't think it's wrong. I am certain that the people of ESPN don't think it's inappropriate. So let's find this people who are offended by these comments, and Halloween costumes. Let's give them the H1N1, and thin the heard a little bit.
Here is a crazy idea. What if the people that are offended by these comments just don't tune in. Something tells me that the people that did complain weren't a group of Mexican men. Is it just ESPN afraid of losing sponsors? I just don't get it. First of all if I did hear something offensive on TV, who the hell knows who to call. Let's say I'm offended that someone on VH1 said something that offended a overweight red headed white guy. Do I call 411 and ask for VH1? I mean you have to be pretty offended to take the time to research the company just to find out how to contact them.
Last week some people were upset that Jeff Fisher, the coach of the Tennessee Titans was wearing a Colts jersey at a charity benefit. I mean I love sports as much as anybody, but if Brad Childress was wearing a Packers jersey I wouldn't lose any sleep, let alone take the time or to show my displeasure with him.
We've become so politically correct that we're beginning to eliminate humor. Have you ever heard a group of old guys talk. All they do is insult the different cultures. I just don't get why there are so many whiny bitches out there. Where does this start. Is it the parents? Is it the schools? I'm about to bring a child into this world, and I hope that he doesn't become one of them. How do I protect him from this. I don't want him to become a racist bigot. But I want him to have a set. I don't want him to come crying to mommy every time someone takes a couple of jabs at him.
We need someone to stand up to these people. Jeff Fisher tried to. He said, he would do it again if he had the chance. I'm just so sick of these whiny bitches suing, and crying every time some person gets made fun of. What would happen if Paul Revere rode into Boston now, and claimed "The Redcoats are coming, the Redcoats are coming." Would the British show up, and start whining about the racist redcoats remark?
I know I've ventured far from my point, but it's just getting old. There was nothing inappropriate about this comment. I don't care what Bob Griese says, he doesn't think it's wrong. I am certain that the people of ESPN don't think it's inappropriate. So let's find this people who are offended by these comments, and Halloween costumes. Let's give them the H1N1, and thin the heard a little bit.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Baseball Instant Reply
Baseball should start some form of instant reply. As I'm sure most of you have seen by now, the umpires have been atrocious this postseason. It all started with them not awarding Brandon Inge first base after being hit by a pitch. And then with the numerous missed calls in the Yankees and Angels game last night, this has been enough.
What are the arguments against instant replay? There are two reasons behind it. One of them is that it would cause games to take too long. Are you kidding me. Last nights game took 3:38 and they got all the calls wrong. So would anyone be upset if it took 3:45 to get all the calls right?
The other argument is from the traditionalists. Who think baseball should be left alone. I'm sorry that this isn't 1956 anymore with the Yankees and Dodger playing a subway series, with Mickey, Whitey, Yogi, and Jackie. Those days are over. So maybe we should catch up with the times. And does anyone really think care about the purity of the game. We've found out for the last few years, that most of baseball spent the last 15 years cheating.
So why doesn't baseball get this one right. Baseball would be the easiest sport to do instant replay in. You don't have to use it for balls and strikes, but use it for everything else. You don't have to do it like the NFL does, but do it like the NCAA does. Just have a guy up in the booth watching every play. If there is a questionable call, just ask him. That way we can get everything right. I understand the baseball has survived 100+ years without it. But baseball also survived without blacks, lights, and even airplanes. But when it was time to take advantage of those things baseball did. Well, this is baseball's time to add instant replay.
What are the arguments against instant replay? There are two reasons behind it. One of them is that it would cause games to take too long. Are you kidding me. Last nights game took 3:38 and they got all the calls wrong. So would anyone be upset if it took 3:45 to get all the calls right?
The other argument is from the traditionalists. Who think baseball should be left alone. I'm sorry that this isn't 1956 anymore with the Yankees and Dodger playing a subway series, with Mickey, Whitey, Yogi, and Jackie. Those days are over. So maybe we should catch up with the times. And does anyone really think care about the purity of the game. We've found out for the last few years, that most of baseball spent the last 15 years cheating.
So why doesn't baseball get this one right. Baseball would be the easiest sport to do instant replay in. You don't have to use it for balls and strikes, but use it for everything else. You don't have to do it like the NFL does, but do it like the NCAA does. Just have a guy up in the booth watching every play. If there is a questionable call, just ask him. That way we can get everything right. I understand the baseball has survived 100+ years without it. But baseball also survived without blacks, lights, and even airplanes. But when it was time to take advantage of those things baseball did. Well, this is baseball's time to add instant replay.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Illegal Alien
I stumbled upon this article from the Star Tribune.
Who is Target offending? Illegal Aliens? Are we worried about what the message we're sending to fictional beings? Or are we worried about offending the people that are in this country illegally? These kind of stories drive me nuts. We've become so sensitive, and politically correct that we can't even degrade aliens or criminals anymore. Target shouldn't apologize, instead they should just simply release a statement saying; "We here at Target are going to continue in the spirit of Halloween and sell this costume. This costume is supposed to be witty, clever, and funny. If you are offended by this costume you are either in our country illegally, or are an alien. So please shop somewhere else." Vicki Adams says, "It's insensitive, it's offensive." I'll bet you that Vicki doesn't get invited to a whole lot of Halloween party's. Can you imagine Vicki walking up to you dressed as a pirate, and letting you know that you're offending all of the pirates in the world.
I think it's a sad state we're in when we can't even pick out Halloween costumes anymore without offending anyone.
Who is Target offending? Illegal Aliens? Are we worried about what the message we're sending to fictional beings? Or are we worried about offending the people that are in this country illegally? These kind of stories drive me nuts. We've become so sensitive, and politically correct that we can't even degrade aliens or criminals anymore. Target shouldn't apologize, instead they should just simply release a statement saying; "We here at Target are going to continue in the spirit of Halloween and sell this costume. This costume is supposed to be witty, clever, and funny. If you are offended by this costume you are either in our country illegally, or are an alien. So please shop somewhere else." Vicki Adams says, "It's insensitive, it's offensive." I'll bet you that Vicki doesn't get invited to a whole lot of Halloween party's. Can you imagine Vicki walking up to you dressed as a pirate, and letting you know that you're offending all of the pirates in the world.
I think it's a sad state we're in when we can't even pick out Halloween costumes anymore without offending anyone.
Friday, October 16, 2009
"I hate Basketball"
"I hate basketball." That is a term I've heard hundreds of times from hundreds of people in Minnesota. Why do they say it? Not everyone can hate basketball. It gets good ratings, and aside from the lack of attention the Timberwolves get, the league is doing all right. The Timberwolves lack of attention comes from their poor play. Look at when they went to the Western conference finals, and the following year. The Target Center was packed nearly every night. So there were at least 17,000 that didn't hate basketball. If everyone hates basketball, why is basketball on ESPN, while hockey is on VS.? So why does everyone hate basketball?
Is is because we're the so called "State of Hockey." And we're supposed to love hockey, and support that. We'll I"ve got news for the "State of Hockey" citizens, the hockey team might be worse than the basketball team. And the Basketball team has a plan for the future, with good young talent, while the hockey team, has no plan or young talent. Why can't you like hockey and basketball. We can like baseball and football, or soccer and golf. But not hockey and basketball. I hear guys say things like, "Let's see them put on a pair of skates." Well Mr. Junior Gold B player, let's see you run up and down the floor for 40 minutes. That makes 15 minutes of gliding seem pretty easy.
I hear people say that they don't like basketball because they are all a bunch of thugs. We'll that can't be the reason, because the NFL has much more and worse criminals. And we all love the NFL.
One reason people give is because the end of the games take to long with all the fouls. Have you ever seen the end of a Twins game, when they trot out pitcher after pitcher to get one guy out? What about football games, when a team scores we have a commercial, come back watch the kickoff, then another commercial. And heaven help us a reply happens at anytime. So that cant' be the reason.
So I really don't know why everyone "hates basketball" These same guys all love to do a bracket in march madness. I mean basketball is the one sport everyone in the world knows how to play. Every year in school we'd play basketball. in gym.
My opinion is this. These guys don't "hate basketball." They just aren't intelligent enough to formulate their own opinions. They just think that is the Minnesotan thing to say. These are the same people that support a hockey team that is terrible and is getting worse. Hey don't get me wrong, I'm as guilty as anyone. I'm sick of being a patsy for this hockey team, mindlessly forking over thousands of dollars to see a terrible team. But I actually enjoy basketball. I can admit that. Next time a person says they hate basketball think about that person, and you'll realize you don't know anything that person actually does enjoy. It's the "Tom Bernard" way of doing things. Hate everything because it takes to much time and effort to like anything.
So stop saying you "hate basketball." Because you don't. I'm not saying you have to like it. Obviously not everyone likes basketball. But we're not impressed with you basketball haters. I don't care that you grew up on skates, or near a lake. There are far more basketball players in this state than any other sport. So stop trying to impress people with you fake hatred of basketball.
Is is because we're the so called "State of Hockey." And we're supposed to love hockey, and support that. We'll I"ve got news for the "State of Hockey" citizens, the hockey team might be worse than the basketball team. And the Basketball team has a plan for the future, with good young talent, while the hockey team, has no plan or young talent. Why can't you like hockey and basketball. We can like baseball and football, or soccer and golf. But not hockey and basketball. I hear guys say things like, "Let's see them put on a pair of skates." Well Mr. Junior Gold B player, let's see you run up and down the floor for 40 minutes. That makes 15 minutes of gliding seem pretty easy.
I hear people say that they don't like basketball because they are all a bunch of thugs. We'll that can't be the reason, because the NFL has much more and worse criminals. And we all love the NFL.
One reason people give is because the end of the games take to long with all the fouls. Have you ever seen the end of a Twins game, when they trot out pitcher after pitcher to get one guy out? What about football games, when a team scores we have a commercial, come back watch the kickoff, then another commercial. And heaven help us a reply happens at anytime. So that cant' be the reason.
So I really don't know why everyone "hates basketball" These same guys all love to do a bracket in march madness. I mean basketball is the one sport everyone in the world knows how to play. Every year in school we'd play basketball. in gym.
My opinion is this. These guys don't "hate basketball." They just aren't intelligent enough to formulate their own opinions. They just think that is the Minnesotan thing to say. These are the same people that support a hockey team that is terrible and is getting worse. Hey don't get me wrong, I'm as guilty as anyone. I'm sick of being a patsy for this hockey team, mindlessly forking over thousands of dollars to see a terrible team. But I actually enjoy basketball. I can admit that. Next time a person says they hate basketball think about that person, and you'll realize you don't know anything that person actually does enjoy. It's the "Tom Bernard" way of doing things. Hate everything because it takes to much time and effort to like anything.
So stop saying you "hate basketball." Because you don't. I'm not saying you have to like it. Obviously not everyone likes basketball. But we're not impressed with you basketball haters. I don't care that you grew up on skates, or near a lake. There are far more basketball players in this state than any other sport. So stop trying to impress people with you fake hatred of basketball.
Friday, October 9, 2009
We don't belong here
After watching Mark Teixeira's walk off home run in game 2 of the Twins, Yankees series, I had two thoughts on my mind.
A. Joe Nathan is not a dominate closer. I haven't looked to close at the numbers, but chew on this. Joe Nathan's post season ERA is 4.75 higher than his regular season ERA. In 6 appearances he is 0-2 with 2 blown saves, and just 1 save. Nathan has 6 blown saves this year. 2 against the Yankees, 1 against the Rays, and 1 against the Angels. But wait Joe Nathan is great when we're playing the Royals, Indians, and Tigers in May, June, and July. We forget how mediocre our division is year in and year out. So maybe 60 games a year against the Indians, Royals, and Tigers is not a good enough indication of how great a closer he is? Save a big game buddy. I can not remember Nathan saving a big game. I know facing Rodriguez and Teixeira is as tough as it gets, but that's why we pay you $11,000,000.
B. Also all my friends I talk to keep saying, "Well if they would have counted Joe Mauer's ground rule double, we would have had a run." I have two answers for that. Well, that means that Texeria ties the game with his home run, and then up comes Rodriguez. And my other answer is this, "If the ump would have given Brandon Inge first base like he deserved that puts the Tigers up by a run, then we probably aren't even playing tonight." That is the problem with Minnesota fans. We need to hold this lovable, plucky, hard working, over achieving team accountable. They are major leaguers. We can criticize them. They aren't a JV girls fastpitch team. If this happened the other way around. There would be 6 different newspapers, taking the Yankees to task. We left 17 men on base. Gomez runs the bases like a dyslexic 2nd grader, suffering from Alzheimer's. Kubel is 1-10 in the series with 6 strikeouts. Nathan is throwing batting practicing in the bottom of the ninth.
We don't belong here, we should be content with winning central division titles. The playoffs are for major leaguers, and clutch performers. We've got one of them. And part of me hopes he's playing for the other guys in two years.
A. Joe Nathan is not a dominate closer. I haven't looked to close at the numbers, but chew on this. Joe Nathan's post season ERA is 4.75 higher than his regular season ERA. In 6 appearances he is 0-2 with 2 blown saves, and just 1 save. Nathan has 6 blown saves this year. 2 against the Yankees, 1 against the Rays, and 1 against the Angels. But wait Joe Nathan is great when we're playing the Royals, Indians, and Tigers in May, June, and July. We forget how mediocre our division is year in and year out. So maybe 60 games a year against the Indians, Royals, and Tigers is not a good enough indication of how great a closer he is? Save a big game buddy. I can not remember Nathan saving a big game. I know facing Rodriguez and Teixeira is as tough as it gets, but that's why we pay you $11,000,000.
B. Also all my friends I talk to keep saying, "Well if they would have counted Joe Mauer's ground rule double, we would have had a run." I have two answers for that. Well, that means that Texeria ties the game with his home run, and then up comes Rodriguez. And my other answer is this, "If the ump would have given Brandon Inge first base like he deserved that puts the Tigers up by a run, then we probably aren't even playing tonight." That is the problem with Minnesota fans. We need to hold this lovable, plucky, hard working, over achieving team accountable. They are major leaguers. We can criticize them. They aren't a JV girls fastpitch team. If this happened the other way around. There would be 6 different newspapers, taking the Yankees to task. We left 17 men on base. Gomez runs the bases like a dyslexic 2nd grader, suffering from Alzheimer's. Kubel is 1-10 in the series with 6 strikeouts. Nathan is throwing batting practicing in the bottom of the ninth.
We don't belong here, we should be content with winning central division titles. The playoffs are for major leaguers, and clutch performers. We've got one of them. And part of me hopes he's playing for the other guys in two years.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Twins vs. Yankees
Cliches are used far to often in sports. With the Twins we're now saying David vs. Goliath. And last night I heard numerous times, "Nobody believed in us." Well actually I, like many other picked them to win the division. We just didn't believe they'd piss away the first 140 games. Don't get me wrong it was exciting and a lot of fun to watch the last 21 games, but you were supposed to be here. It is however remarkable if you compare the two teams. Let's compare the salaries of the starters at each position.
Brian Duensing $400,000
Brian Duensing $400,000
CC Sabathia $15,285,000
1st Base:
Michael Cuddyer $7,666,666
Mark Texeira $20,625,000
2nd Base:
Nick Punto $4,000,000
Nick Punto $4,000,000
Robinson Cano $6,000,000
Orlando Cabrera $4,000,000
Derek Jeter $21,600,000
3rd Base:
Matt Tolbert $405,000
Alex Rodriguez $33,000,000
Joe Mauer $10,500,000
Jorge Posada $13,100,000
Delmon Young $1,152,000
Denard Span $435,000
Jason Kubel $2,750,000
Xavier Nady $6,550,000
Johnny Damon $13,000,000
Hideki Matsui $13,000,000
Designated Hitters
Brendan Harris $466,100
Nick Swisher $5,400,000
Now let me do a little simple math here. But the team the Yankees are fielding tonight makes $115,788.234 more than the team the Twins are fielding. That's over 10 million dollars at each position. So the Twins again have put themselves in an impossible position. We've been here before. We were at Yankee stadium in May and lost 4 games, in dramatic fashion. Ron Gardenhire historically is atrocious against the Yankees. The Twins have to play game
#1, just 20 hours after winning game #163. Everything points to the Yankees winning the series. At the golf course we have hosted a tournament in the fall for the Twins for years. They always do it right after the season. About a month ago I got a call to set up the date. The date they wanted was October 7th. So the Twins can say what they want about nobody believing in them. Because they didn't even believe in themselves. But going into this Yankees series I can say that I in fact do not think they can win. I do not believe in them. I want them to win. But don't think they will.
#1, just 20 hours after winning game #163. Everything points to the Yankees winning the series. At the golf course we have hosted a tournament in the fall for the Twins for years. They always do it right after the season. About a month ago I got a call to set up the date. The date they wanted was October 7th. So the Twins can say what they want about nobody believing in them. Because they didn't even believe in themselves. But going into this Yankees series I can say that I in fact do not think they can win. I do not believe in them. I want them to win. But don't think they will.
Now is the time to make the magic happen. We all thought you'd be here. Show us that it wasn't a fluke. Show us that your goal is to win a world series, not just the central. Go into the Bronx and beat the bombers. Show Joe Mauer that you can win a world series here. Joe Mauer show us what an MVP does in the playoffs. Mijares put a ball right in Johnny Damon's ribcage, and let them think about that. Show the Steinbrenners that you can win baseball games the Pohlad way. Put the pinstripes on ice. Go there to win. Go to New York and start spreading the news!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Chalk one up for the good guys
In the land, that lacks championships. We have to find solace in regular season games, and play in games. And after the first round we're one up. We managed to beat the packers. With the sports worlds eyes upon us, we've stepped it up. Too many times before we've found ourselves in these situations and came out the wrong end. But so far so good.
The build up to the Vikings, Packers game was Brett Favre this, and Brett Favre that. We heard a little bit about Adrian Peterson. The player who had the biggest impact was our highest paid player. Jared Allen, he was all up in Aaron Rodgers business. This guy is all that is man. How did we forget about him. We've now won four games four different ways. We've had a last second miracle pass. We've had an all time run. We've had a rookie burst onto the scene, and we've had our stud D end, wreaking havoc. It's hard to get too excited, because you don't want to be let down. But for the moment we can't complain. We've won road games, we've won convincingly, we've put teams away, and after last night, we've won the big game. It's gonna be a fun ride, I just hope it doesn't end upside down in a puddle in a ditch like it has before.
For some reason we have a different opinion of the Twins. We're just so proud of the boys, and hope they can squeeze out one more game. But we should expect them to win and hold them accountable like we do the purple. If they lose today, the last 3 weeks of fun was for nothing. This team has played great as of late, and the offense looks great going into the future. Who knows what will happen if we win this game. I don't like our chances playing the Yankees. I do know one thing though you can not win the world series without making the playoffs.
So sit back, buckle in, and enjoy the ride. The goal is Super Bowls and World Series, but for now we'll take Monday night football, and play in games.
The build up to the Vikings, Packers game was Brett Favre this, and Brett Favre that. We heard a little bit about Adrian Peterson. The player who had the biggest impact was our highest paid player. Jared Allen, he was all up in Aaron Rodgers business. This guy is all that is man. How did we forget about him. We've now won four games four different ways. We've had a last second miracle pass. We've had an all time run. We've had a rookie burst onto the scene, and we've had our stud D end, wreaking havoc. It's hard to get too excited, because you don't want to be let down. But for the moment we can't complain. We've won road games, we've won convincingly, we've put teams away, and after last night, we've won the big game. It's gonna be a fun ride, I just hope it doesn't end upside down in a puddle in a ditch like it has before.
For some reason we have a different opinion of the Twins. We're just so proud of the boys, and hope they can squeeze out one more game. But we should expect them to win and hold them accountable like we do the purple. If they lose today, the last 3 weeks of fun was for nothing. This team has played great as of late, and the offense looks great going into the future. Who knows what will happen if we win this game. I don't like our chances playing the Yankees. I do know one thing though you can not win the world series without making the playoffs.
So sit back, buckle in, and enjoy the ride. The goal is Super Bowls and World Series, but for now we'll take Monday night football, and play in games.
Monday, September 28, 2009
9 Days/10 Nights
The next 8 days are very important as far as the landscape of Minnesota sports in concerned. We're at one of the critical junctures that guide you towards winnersville, or lead you astray. In the next 8 days we've got two big home football games, 4 road baseball games and 3 farewell games at the dome. And we've got 1 road, and 1 home hockey game under new management. In 9 days we could possibly have a pro baseball team preparing for the playoffs, a NCAA football team atop the Big Ten, a NFL team in first place after a huge Monday night game, and a NHL team off to a 2-0 start leading the Northwest. But we're Minnesotans, and we can not afford to get our hopes up.
Gophers - The have Wisconsin coming to the "Bank". The Badgers are 12-2 against the Gophers since 1995. The gophers are a team that is supposedly on the way up, and this stadium is supposed to help. Well here it is, show us what you're made of. A victory puts you in a tie for the Big Ten. Obviously the gophers aren't going to win the big ten. But good big ten teams are tough to beat at home. So this is a game to set the standard at the "Bank"
Twins - The entire baseball season again comes down to the last week for the Twins again. Essentially they begin a playoff series with Detroit tonight. They need to win 3 out of 4 and leave Detroit being tied for the division. Then they come home to the dome. So hopefully the Twins can make the last 3 games in the dome mean something.
Wild - No one really knows how good or bad the Wild will be this year. I think they're a lot of question marks with this team. They've got a new coach, a new GM, and hopefully a new philosophy. So they need to get off to a good start, and build momentum. We'll find out if any of these younger players are any good, or if Jacque Lemaire just made a bad team mediocre.
Vikings - This is as big of a regular season game as you can get. This is what Monday night is for. Vikings vs. Packers, Favre vs. Packers, First place in the division up for grabs, Monday night, Peterson on Prime time. This has the ingredients to be a real dandy. The dome will be rocking Monday.
So as you can see this is going to be a fun week. Will we have 4 first place teams next Tuesday night. I doubt it, but it will be fun to watch.
Gophers - The have Wisconsin coming to the "Bank". The Badgers are 12-2 against the Gophers since 1995. The gophers are a team that is supposedly on the way up, and this stadium is supposed to help. Well here it is, show us what you're made of. A victory puts you in a tie for the Big Ten. Obviously the gophers aren't going to win the big ten. But good big ten teams are tough to beat at home. So this is a game to set the standard at the "Bank"
Twins - The entire baseball season again comes down to the last week for the Twins again. Essentially they begin a playoff series with Detroit tonight. They need to win 3 out of 4 and leave Detroit being tied for the division. Then they come home to the dome. So hopefully the Twins can make the last 3 games in the dome mean something.
Wild - No one really knows how good or bad the Wild will be this year. I think they're a lot of question marks with this team. They've got a new coach, a new GM, and hopefully a new philosophy. So they need to get off to a good start, and build momentum. We'll find out if any of these younger players are any good, or if Jacque Lemaire just made a bad team mediocre.
Vikings - This is as big of a regular season game as you can get. This is what Monday night is for. Vikings vs. Packers, Favre vs. Packers, First place in the division up for grabs, Monday night, Peterson on Prime time. This has the ingredients to be a real dandy. The dome will be rocking Monday.
So as you can see this is going to be a fun week. Will we have 4 first place teams next Tuesday night. I doubt it, but it will be fun to watch.
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Bears are who we thought they were, are the Vikings?
This is a big week for the Minnesota Vikings. Yes they play the Detroit Lions. Historically the Vikings have always played down the level of their opponents. They've always been competitive and played well against the better teams. So this is a big game in my eyes.
We've been told time and time again about their offensive weapons and crushing defense. Well they won't find an easier opponent than the Lions. They have to come out and win convincingly. This is what Brett Favre is for more than anything else. To provide a veteran leader who doesn't overlook an opponent. It was just last year that the Vikings were lucky to win both games against the Lions. The Vikings are supposed to be better this year. Great teams don't struggle with teams like the lions. I am certain that the Vikings won't go undefeated, but this can not be one of their losses. There isn't anything good that can come from a loss to the Lions. The Vikings can't lose this game, and then beat the 49ers and Packers, and say they wanted to be 3-1 after 4 games. The Saints just threw 6 touchdowns against the Lions, so Favre should be licking his chops.
Here is what I need to see. The Vikings need to score on their 1st possession. Favre and AP need to run and throw for a combined 400 yards. The defense needs to hold the Lions to under 14 Points. The special teams needs to play well. And I never thought I'd hope for this, but I want to see T-Jack playing in the fourth quarter.
We've been told time and time again about their offensive weapons and crushing defense. Well they won't find an easier opponent than the Lions. They have to come out and win convincingly. This is what Brett Favre is for more than anything else. To provide a veteran leader who doesn't overlook an opponent. It was just last year that the Vikings were lucky to win both games against the Lions. The Vikings are supposed to be better this year. Great teams don't struggle with teams like the lions. I am certain that the Vikings won't go undefeated, but this can not be one of their losses. There isn't anything good that can come from a loss to the Lions. The Vikings can't lose this game, and then beat the 49ers and Packers, and say they wanted to be 3-1 after 4 games. The Saints just threw 6 touchdowns against the Lions, so Favre should be licking his chops.
Here is what I need to see. The Vikings need to score on their 1st possession. Favre and AP need to run and throw for a combined 400 yards. The defense needs to hold the Lions to under 14 Points. The special teams needs to play well. And I never thought I'd hope for this, but I want to see T-Jack playing in the fourth quarter.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I'm sure most of you by now have heard about Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music awards. It's been on the news, the radio, and it has been all over the Internet. Why does anyone really care? If you talked to anyone 5 days ago, especially any male, they would all scoff at the notion of watching MTV. They would be furious that you'd even hint that MTV is even programmed in their TV. And if you asked that same audience they wouldn't wouldn't have know n who Taylor Swift is. But now that he interrupted her, let's tar and feather the son of a bitch.
First of all Kanye West is a rapper. He is a thug who needs the spotlight on him each and every second of the day. Are we really that surprised that a rapper would do something like this? Snoop Dogg was accused of murder, and I don't think you can be a rapper unless you have a felony drug conviction. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna. Let's remember that Kanye went onto live TV and proclaimed that George Bush hates black people. So this kind of behavior isn't surprising.
Secondly Taylor Swift is a 19 year old millionaire. And it's not like this was the Grammy's. So I really don't feel to bad for her.
So I guess I really don't get why this has become such a big deal. It's the MTV music awards. It's not the Oscar's or Grammy's. It involves a loud mouth rapper, and a young country singer. She got a second chance to give her acceptance speech. Beyonce looks good for giving Taylor Swift her moment. Taylor Swift looks good for taking the high road. MTV gets all the added exposure, and Kanye looks like a thug. So everyone got what they wanted. Now can we stop talking about this?
First of all Kanye West is a rapper. He is a thug who needs the spotlight on him each and every second of the day. Are we really that surprised that a rapper would do something like this? Snoop Dogg was accused of murder, and I don't think you can be a rapper unless you have a felony drug conviction. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna. Let's remember that Kanye went onto live TV and proclaimed that George Bush hates black people. So this kind of behavior isn't surprising.
Secondly Taylor Swift is a 19 year old millionaire. And it's not like this was the Grammy's. So I really don't feel to bad for her.
So I guess I really don't get why this has become such a big deal. It's the MTV music awards. It's not the Oscar's or Grammy's. It involves a loud mouth rapper, and a young country singer. She got a second chance to give her acceptance speech. Beyonce looks good for giving Taylor Swift her moment. Taylor Swift looks good for taking the high road. MTV gets all the added exposure, and Kanye looks like a thug. So everyone got what they wanted. Now can we stop talking about this?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Week I
Week I is almost wrapped up, with the exception of the two Monday night games tonight. I've got a couple of opinions based on the games played on Sunday.
A. Adrian Peterson might just make it in this league.
B. After one week I'm thrilled that Jay Cutler is a Bear.
C. The Packers defense has improved.
D. Cleveland in fact does not rock.
E. Percy Harvin as predicted here, will be really, really good.
F. Brandon Stockley was in the right place at the right time.
G. Maybe I should have taken Drew Brees instead of Tom Brady in my fantasy leagues.
H. I think Devin Hester might end up with decent numbers with Cutler throwing him the ball.
It's been an entertaining week thus far. As a Vikings fan you have to be pleased with how the team came out in the second half, and dominated, and then put the game away. On the flip side it was disappointing to see the first half. The Vikings again played down to the level of the opponent. Against a good team they might have been down by two touchdowns going into the half. Adrian Peterson's run was amazing. The Bears and Packer game was entertaining. I think the NFC north will be a tough division this year. I think the Vikings are #1, followed by Green Bay and then Chicago.
A. Adrian Peterson might just make it in this league.
B. After one week I'm thrilled that Jay Cutler is a Bear.
C. The Packers defense has improved.
D. Cleveland in fact does not rock.
E. Percy Harvin as predicted here, will be really, really good.
F. Brandon Stockley was in the right place at the right time.
G. Maybe I should have taken Drew Brees instead of Tom Brady in my fantasy leagues.
H. I think Devin Hester might end up with decent numbers with Cutler throwing him the ball.
It's been an entertaining week thus far. As a Vikings fan you have to be pleased with how the team came out in the second half, and dominated, and then put the game away. On the flip side it was disappointing to see the first half. The Vikings again played down to the level of the opponent. Against a good team they might have been down by two touchdowns going into the half. Adrian Peterson's run was amazing. The Bears and Packer game was entertaining. I think the NFC north will be a tough division this year. I think the Vikings are #1, followed by Green Bay and then Chicago.
Monday, August 24, 2009
You've got to be kidding me
I was trying to eat lunch today and surf the ESPN website. When I came across Rick Reilly's article on Little League. The first part of the story is about a women named Jean Gonzalez from Staten Island. She sued just about everyone when her son slid into second base and got hurt. Read the story, and if you're not angry than you are just as bad.
Now it's not entirely the kids fault. So I don't really have an issue with him. Since he can't choose who his mother is. But I imagine that this kid will be a virgin late into his 20's and he'll end up experimenting with guys.
But let's talk about his mother. This lady deserves a shovel to the face. She actually sued everyone from the coaches to the base manufacturers because her son got hurt sliding into the base. I have never seen a picture of this woman but I can guarantee that she is fat, and hideous. She might have a husband that she mentally abuses, and she got pregnant the one time they had sex. She has no friends to speak of, and has at least 3 cats that she includes in the family pictures. She can't look in the mirror and see anything wrong, although I bet if you talk to her parents she is their #1 mistake. I can't even type the things I want to happen to this women without sounding like a monster. I'll give you some clues; HIV, a rusty nail, glass shards, mosquitoes, a vice grip, 2 phone books, and a grill lighter.
So maybe I'm the idiot here, but I doubt it. But where do this woman get off doing that. She actually thinks that this is not her sons fault. This is exactly what is wrong with America. If "what is wrong with America" had a mascot it should be this bitch. The worst part is she actually received $125,000. So that means that somebody agreed with her. I really hope something bad happens to her. Like the day she received the settlement check, it would have been nice if God would have stricken down on her.
Now it's not entirely the kids fault. So I don't really have an issue with him. Since he can't choose who his mother is. But I imagine that this kid will be a virgin late into his 20's and he'll end up experimenting with guys.
But let's talk about his mother. This lady deserves a shovel to the face. She actually sued everyone from the coaches to the base manufacturers because her son got hurt sliding into the base. I have never seen a picture of this woman but I can guarantee that she is fat, and hideous. She might have a husband that she mentally abuses, and she got pregnant the one time they had sex. She has no friends to speak of, and has at least 3 cats that she includes in the family pictures. She can't look in the mirror and see anything wrong, although I bet if you talk to her parents she is their #1 mistake. I can't even type the things I want to happen to this women without sounding like a monster. I'll give you some clues; HIV, a rusty nail, glass shards, mosquitoes, a vice grip, 2 phone books, and a grill lighter.
So maybe I'm the idiot here, but I doubt it. But where do this woman get off doing that. She actually thinks that this is not her sons fault. This is exactly what is wrong with America. If "what is wrong with America" had a mascot it should be this bitch. The worst part is she actually received $125,000. So that means that somebody agreed with her. I really hope something bad happens to her. Like the day she received the settlement check, it would have been nice if God would have stricken down on her.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Brett Favre
Brett Favre is a Viking! I grew up despising, and hating this man. It was part hatred, part envy, and part jealousy. He was a packer. He was the enemy. Now he's ours. We get to cheer for him at Lambeau Field. #4 running out of the tunnel is our #4. Minnesota is a Vikings state. Brett Favre gives us our latest and greatest chance to finish the puzzle so many Vikings fans have miserably failed to finish. It's been tough in my generation, I can't imagine what it's like for those like my dad who have been there since the beginning. Four Super Bowls, four losses. For fans in my generation it's 1998, Denny Green taking a knee before halftime, and Gary Anderson missing for the first time. It's the 41-0 drubbing in the Meadowlands that sent us into a 8 year tailspin. We also had the loveboat.
All of that can be forgotten. I don't care that Favre broke the touchdown record in the dome. I don't care that he made Chris Hovan look like an absolute buffoon. I don't care that he lead the Packers to the Super Bowl twice, and won one. I don't care about any of that. That's in the past. We need to build new memories.
What will they be like? I am an admitted Viking optimist. I have predicted 14-2 season's since I can remember. That's changing now. I looked at the schedule, and to be honest with you, I can't find 2 losses. Now I'm not an idiot, the Vikings won't go undefeated. They're gonna have to rest players after they wrap up home field throughout. The Vikings have a great team. It's balanced, with big play potential. If Adrian Peterson rushes for 1500 yards, I'll assume he'll be hurt for 2 games. I think Percy Harvin is going to burst on the scene like another troubled receiver we took a chance on. I think that you might know who I'm talking about. He's currently wearing number 81 for the Patriots. Harvin won't put up Moss like numbers, but you better keep track of him. Our defensive line is second to none, and the linebacker's have a chance to be really good.
But let's get back to Brett Favre. I hope that Madden comes back for the Monday night game. I want to hear him say BrettFavre over and over, and know he's talking about our #4. I wish I could be there when Brett Favre comes running out of the tunnel in green bay wearing purple. See the thing is that we might not have the championships or history that green bay has. But at least our unquestioned hero doesn't hate us. I want to meet all of those kids born in Wisconsin ranging in ages 3-16 named Brett, and tell them that they're named after a Viking quarterback.
This is as big a story as we get here in Minnesota. We crave attention. We had a helicopter following Brett Favre from the airport to Winter Park. We had 10,000 people watching Tiger practice golfing. We set attendance records at every marginal sporting event we get. We haven't had a home team to get really excited about for a while, until now. The Twins are done, and Timberwolves are in the middle of a 20 year rebuilding phase, and are drafting guys that won't even play in the NBA. And the self proclaimed state of hockey, has a team that is starting over after 8 mediocre years. So if you're a true sports fan like myself, now is the time to get excited. I'm not talking about you fake fans, that are only interested in sports so that the other guys you work with will talk to you. Want to know if you're a true fan, you need to be able to name 3 out of the following 5. Offensive or defensive coordinator, special team captain, 2009 second round draft pick, or the player who wore #4 before Brett Favre came to town. If you failed that test than pick a different bandwagon. Brett Favre is a gift to the real fans.
This is a lot to put on the shoulders of a soon to be 40 year old QB coming off of arm surgery. But we've been told forever that he's a gunslinger, he loves the game, and will win at any cost. So let's see him do it in purple.
All of that can be forgotten. I don't care that Favre broke the touchdown record in the dome. I don't care that he made Chris Hovan look like an absolute buffoon. I don't care that he lead the Packers to the Super Bowl twice, and won one. I don't care about any of that. That's in the past. We need to build new memories.
What will they be like? I am an admitted Viking optimist. I have predicted 14-2 season's since I can remember. That's changing now. I looked at the schedule, and to be honest with you, I can't find 2 losses. Now I'm not an idiot, the Vikings won't go undefeated. They're gonna have to rest players after they wrap up home field throughout. The Vikings have a great team. It's balanced, with big play potential. If Adrian Peterson rushes for 1500 yards, I'll assume he'll be hurt for 2 games. I think Percy Harvin is going to burst on the scene like another troubled receiver we took a chance on. I think that you might know who I'm talking about. He's currently wearing number 81 for the Patriots. Harvin won't put up Moss like numbers, but you better keep track of him. Our defensive line is second to none, and the linebacker's have a chance to be really good.
But let's get back to Brett Favre. I hope that Madden comes back for the Monday night game. I want to hear him say BrettFavre over and over, and know he's talking about our #4. I wish I could be there when Brett Favre comes running out of the tunnel in green bay wearing purple. See the thing is that we might not have the championships or history that green bay has. But at least our unquestioned hero doesn't hate us. I want to meet all of those kids born in Wisconsin ranging in ages 3-16 named Brett, and tell them that they're named after a Viking quarterback.
This is as big a story as we get here in Minnesota. We crave attention. We had a helicopter following Brett Favre from the airport to Winter Park. We had 10,000 people watching Tiger practice golfing. We set attendance records at every marginal sporting event we get. We haven't had a home team to get really excited about for a while, until now. The Twins are done, and Timberwolves are in the middle of a 20 year rebuilding phase, and are drafting guys that won't even play in the NBA. And the self proclaimed state of hockey, has a team that is starting over after 8 mediocre years. So if you're a true sports fan like myself, now is the time to get excited. I'm not talking about you fake fans, that are only interested in sports so that the other guys you work with will talk to you. Want to know if you're a true fan, you need to be able to name 3 out of the following 5. Offensive or defensive coordinator, special team captain, 2009 second round draft pick, or the player who wore #4 before Brett Favre came to town. If you failed that test than pick a different bandwagon. Brett Favre is a gift to the real fans.
This is a lot to put on the shoulders of a soon to be 40 year old QB coming off of arm surgery. But we've been told forever that he's a gunslinger, he loves the game, and will win at any cost. So let's see him do it in purple.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Taming Tiger
For the last decade or so Tiger Woods has dominated his sport. So much to a degree that it's almost unparalleled. Sure there has been Lance Armstrong, Roger Federer, Michael Phelps, and a handful of others during the same time frame. But Lance retired, and then came back and didn't win. Michael Phelps is a swimmer, and Roger Federer ran into Rafeal Nadal. So that left Tiger as our unheralded hero. Until now.
Tiger was knocked off of his perch yesterday. Not by an injury this time, but by a South Korean named Y.E. Yang. Tiger didn't give this tournament away, he lost it. Y.E. Yang did what so many others before him couldn't do, he beat Tiger. We always here about how hard it is to play in that final group with Tiger Woods. It didn't seem hard for Yang yesterday. Not when he chipped in for Eagle, or when he hit a hybrid over a tree 10 feet from the pin on 18, when laying up, chipping on, and 2 putting would have won the tournament. Y.E. didn't let Tiger get in his head, he got in Tigers.
We've become accustomed to hearing the stats with Tiger. He is 12-0 when leading after the 2nd round of a major, he's 14-0 when leading after the 3rd round of a major. He's 54-0 career wise when going into the final round of any tournament with the lead. All of those things are over.
So what does this mean? We've become so used to him winning. I'm sure most of you watching were like me. You always thought Tiger was going to win yesterday. Even after he bogeyed 17. You thought he'd do something incredible. Even after Yang stuck his second shot on 18, 10 feet from the pin, and had a decent chance at birdie. You thought in your mind, that Tiger will chip in, and Yang will miss. We'll go to a playoff, and Tiger will dominate. That didn't happen. Tiger never made a putt, never had that signature shot that we've seen so often. Tiger choked. You can say what you want, but he went into the final round with a 2 shot lead, and lost by 3 strokes. He was outplayed on a Sunday in a major by a guy ranked somewhere in the 100's. So can Tiger still where his Sunday red? Or does he have to switch it up. Don't get me wrong Tiger could win the grand slam next year, and no one would be surprised. But as for now Tiger let us down. From this point forward every time he's leading we're going to have to remember Sunday at Hazeltine
Tiger was knocked off of his perch yesterday. Not by an injury this time, but by a South Korean named Y.E. Yang. Tiger didn't give this tournament away, he lost it. Y.E. Yang did what so many others before him couldn't do, he beat Tiger. We always here about how hard it is to play in that final group with Tiger Woods. It didn't seem hard for Yang yesterday. Not when he chipped in for Eagle, or when he hit a hybrid over a tree 10 feet from the pin on 18, when laying up, chipping on, and 2 putting would have won the tournament. Y.E. didn't let Tiger get in his head, he got in Tigers.
We've become accustomed to hearing the stats with Tiger. He is 12-0 when leading after the 2nd round of a major, he's 14-0 when leading after the 3rd round of a major. He's 54-0 career wise when going into the final round of any tournament with the lead. All of those things are over.
So what does this mean? We've become so used to him winning. I'm sure most of you watching were like me. You always thought Tiger was going to win yesterday. Even after he bogeyed 17. You thought he'd do something incredible. Even after Yang stuck his second shot on 18, 10 feet from the pin, and had a decent chance at birdie. You thought in your mind, that Tiger will chip in, and Yang will miss. We'll go to a playoff, and Tiger will dominate. That didn't happen. Tiger never made a putt, never had that signature shot that we've seen so often. Tiger choked. You can say what you want, but he went into the final round with a 2 shot lead, and lost by 3 strokes. He was outplayed on a Sunday in a major by a guy ranked somewhere in the 100's. So can Tiger still where his Sunday red? Or does he have to switch it up. Don't get me wrong Tiger could win the grand slam next year, and no one would be surprised. But as for now Tiger let us down. From this point forward every time he's leading we're going to have to remember Sunday at Hazeltine
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Fat Lady is Singing
The 2009 Minnesota Twins are done. After getting pounded by the Kansas City Royals, I am convinced of this. What a giant disappointment. We came into this year with hopes of not only winning the division but hopefully competing for a world series. What went wrong along the way?
We were worried about having room for all of our outfielders. Well if you put two of them in AAA where they belong, then we'd have an open spot. Yes Gomez is great at defense, but when you bat .230 and drive in 26 runs, then you better be winning gold gloves. I would have a hard time finding room for Delmon Young on my softball team. He has 233 at bats with 11, yes 11 extra base hits.
The Twins are moving into the new stadium next year with possibly the worst pitching staff in the American League. Let's think to 2010. Your ace is Scott Baker. That is your ace. If he was on the Tigers, he'd be a set up guy. Blackburn is decent and might end up being a good #2 or #3 pitcher on a good staff. Slowey improved this year, but now will be coming off of a season ending injury. Liriano is a shell of his former self. So unless he figures something out, his career is over. And hopefully nobody tells Perkins that the Twins are moving to the outdoor stadium. I'm sick of Perkins claiming he's injured every time he gets shelled. If Mauer is in the home run derby, next year, he should let Perkins pitch to him, and ask him to try.
The bullpen is an absolute joke with the exception of Nathan. Yes we'll get Neshek back, but he's coming off of major injury and wasn't exactly lights out when he left.
What this really comes down to is the Twins over evaluation of their talent. They overvalue their players and won't trade their so called prospects. Where are these prospects? They won't mortgage their future for a rent a player. What are they expecting? Are these prospects going to lead us to the playoffs next year. I'm done believing that every young player is going to get better. Casilla is a joke. Punto isn't even a major leaguer. Stop over valuing defense. Screw the defense. Where has defense gotten us. To the playoffs yes, winning a world series no. Billy Smith has made bad decision after bad decision. Where are the players we got for Johan Santana? We'd have been better off letting him play out the last year of his contract, just like he did with Tori Hunter. We traded prospects for Delmon Young, the problem was we traded the only good ones we had.
The bottom line is the Twins promised us that this kind of frugal, cheap, approach with the new stadium. So they better go out and find some pitching this off season, because it's too late for 2009. The Twins will finish .500 at best. My guess is 80-82 about 12 games out of first. We'll have to listen the them talk about injuries, and scheduling. Take some accountability and figure out Billy Smith.
If I were Joe Mauer, I'd be counting the days until I could leave this lousy team and play for teams like the Yankees or Red Sox, that expect to win the world series, not just hope to make the playoffs. Mauer you can sign a 10 year 200 million dollar contract. Come back here when you're 37ish, and move to 3rd base. Then finish your career here, show us your 2 or 3 world series rings, and then retire a champion. If you stay here, you'll be on that list of best players to never win a championship. We'll love you either way. Follow Garnett, Ortiz, Santana, Hunter, Gaborik, and Moss, and go somewhere where winning is priority #1. And that isn't here, because this is Twins Territory.
We were worried about having room for all of our outfielders. Well if you put two of them in AAA where they belong, then we'd have an open spot. Yes Gomez is great at defense, but when you bat .230 and drive in 26 runs, then you better be winning gold gloves. I would have a hard time finding room for Delmon Young on my softball team. He has 233 at bats with 11, yes 11 extra base hits.
The Twins are moving into the new stadium next year with possibly the worst pitching staff in the American League. Let's think to 2010. Your ace is Scott Baker. That is your ace. If he was on the Tigers, he'd be a set up guy. Blackburn is decent and might end up being a good #2 or #3 pitcher on a good staff. Slowey improved this year, but now will be coming off of a season ending injury. Liriano is a shell of his former self. So unless he figures something out, his career is over. And hopefully nobody tells Perkins that the Twins are moving to the outdoor stadium. I'm sick of Perkins claiming he's injured every time he gets shelled. If Mauer is in the home run derby, next year, he should let Perkins pitch to him, and ask him to try.
The bullpen is an absolute joke with the exception of Nathan. Yes we'll get Neshek back, but he's coming off of major injury and wasn't exactly lights out when he left.
What this really comes down to is the Twins over evaluation of their talent. They overvalue their players and won't trade their so called prospects. Where are these prospects? They won't mortgage their future for a rent a player. What are they expecting? Are these prospects going to lead us to the playoffs next year. I'm done believing that every young player is going to get better. Casilla is a joke. Punto isn't even a major leaguer. Stop over valuing defense. Screw the defense. Where has defense gotten us. To the playoffs yes, winning a world series no. Billy Smith has made bad decision after bad decision. Where are the players we got for Johan Santana? We'd have been better off letting him play out the last year of his contract, just like he did with Tori Hunter. We traded prospects for Delmon Young, the problem was we traded the only good ones we had.
The bottom line is the Twins promised us that this kind of frugal, cheap, approach with the new stadium. So they better go out and find some pitching this off season, because it's too late for 2009. The Twins will finish .500 at best. My guess is 80-82 about 12 games out of first. We'll have to listen the them talk about injuries, and scheduling. Take some accountability and figure out Billy Smith.
If I were Joe Mauer, I'd be counting the days until I could leave this lousy team and play for teams like the Yankees or Red Sox, that expect to win the world series, not just hope to make the playoffs. Mauer you can sign a 10 year 200 million dollar contract. Come back here when you're 37ish, and move to 3rd base. Then finish your career here, show us your 2 or 3 world series rings, and then retire a champion. If you stay here, you'll be on that list of best players to never win a championship. We'll love you either way. Follow Garnett, Ortiz, Santana, Hunter, Gaborik, and Moss, and go somewhere where winning is priority #1. And that isn't here, because this is Twins Territory.
Taco Sauce
What kind of red blooded American doesn't want taco sauce on their taco? They must be out there. Because unless you ask, Taco Bell and Taco Johns will not provide taco sauce. Today a few co-workers and I ordered 10 hard shell taco's. There wasn't a damn drop of taco sauce in there. This is ridiculous. They should start putting one packet of sauce in per item. If you don't want it, do the American thing waste it by just throwing it away.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tiger Woods

One of the reasons might be the people that follow him. It is unreal. I actually spent 40 minutes of my life today sitting on #16 waiting for him to come. Since he was the first one out, that meant 40 minutes of me watching the grass grow. But the funny part was that I wasn't the only one doing this. There had to be 5000+ watching grass grow. Just waiting for a glimpse of Tiger. He hit his drive into the fairway, hit his second shot pin high, about 15 feet from the pin. He never putted at the pin once. Steve Williams his caddy dropped about 4 balls, and he and the guys he was playing with (Bubba Watson, and Nick Watney) all putted to circles that were placed on the greens by they're caddies. They did this for about 5 minutes, and left. So 40 minutes of grass growing, for 10 minutes of screwing around. It was like this on every hole too. You could watch former winner Rich Beem with a group of less than 100. You could watch future champ Rory McIllroy with a group of less than 100. I'd imagine if you could watch this action from a plane or helicopter, it would look like ants moving around at a picnic.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ha Ha
Big Papi took steroids. Who would have thunk it? Actually I did. I wrote about it a few months back. But I couldn't be happier. The best part is Big Papi has actually been quoted as saying that anyone caught doing steroids should sit out 1 year. Alright David, put your money where your mouth is. You've been caught, sit out a year.
While we're at it, everyone wants the record books changed due to steroids. How about we take back the Red Sox world series titles. They were won with steroids.
Also how great would it be to find out that Curt Shilling took steroids.
While we're at it, everyone wants the record books changed due to steroids. How about we take back the Red Sox world series titles. They were won with steroids.
Also how great would it be to find out that Curt Shilling took steroids.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Anoka County Fair
Let me paint a little picture in your mind. Think of a person. This person has thin, raspy, greasy hair. The hair isn't consistent, you could describe it as patchy at best. Their skin is neither tan nor pale, it is simply dirty. This person hasn't seen a dentist since Reagan was in office. They all own toothbrush's simply to brush their lone tooth. You're probably thinking about a carny right now aren't you. You are very close. Except I know of a place where the carny's are upper class. They outclass, outdress, and can simply outsmart the customers. The place I'm talking about is the Anoka County Fair.
The slogan should be "The Anoka County Fair, this is where evolution stopped." I have lived in Anoka County my entire life minus one year living in Duluth. But these people aren't my neighbors, my friends, and I don't think they're even my species.
Here is the problem with the Anoka County Fair. It just doesn't know where it belongs. I'm sure all of the other County Fairs have their pros, and cons. But Anoka county is different. We have a very diverse demographic. We have actual working farms in the northern part of the county, and working girls, and murders in the southern part of the county. We have upper class, and lower low class. We have black, white, Asian, and dirty. So mix all of that up and what comes out? The Anoka County fair.
If you have been there you know what I'm talking about. If you've never been, good, don't go. If you live in Minnesota and want to see where our tax dollars are going, and a tractor pull in the same night. Stop on by the Anoka County Fair!
The slogan should be "The Anoka County Fair, this is where evolution stopped." I have lived in Anoka County my entire life minus one year living in Duluth. But these people aren't my neighbors, my friends, and I don't think they're even my species.
Here is the problem with the Anoka County Fair. It just doesn't know where it belongs. I'm sure all of the other County Fairs have their pros, and cons. But Anoka county is different. We have a very diverse demographic. We have actual working farms in the northern part of the county, and working girls, and murders in the southern part of the county. We have upper class, and lower low class. We have black, white, Asian, and dirty. So mix all of that up and what comes out? The Anoka County fair.
If you have been there you know what I'm talking about. If you've never been, good, don't go. If you live in Minnesota and want to see where our tax dollars are going, and a tractor pull in the same night. Stop on by the Anoka County Fair!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
MN Twins
Someone should tell the Twins that Nick Punto, and Glen Perkins don't always need to see a medical specialist every time they struggle. They aren't hurt, they're just not any good. I'm so happy that Glen Perkins is from Minnesota. Thanks for being born here, now please go play for the Saints. Nick Punto you should be put in jail for the felony you've committed. Stealing all that money from the twins.
Twins GM Bill Smith needs to do something here prior to the trade deadline. If he doesn't he should be fired. Let's look back and see what ol Billy has done. He's the one who let Tori Hunter leave via free agency. I agreed with him at the time. But look at Tori Hunter now. The thing is, it is Billy Smith's job to predict that kind of thing, not mine. He traded Matt Garza, and Jason Bartlett for Delmon Young. He also traded Johan Santana to the Mets for a collection of shit. If he would have done nothing but sign the players we already had. This is what our lineup would be today.
Denard Span
Jason Bartlett
Joe Mauer
Justin Morneau
Tori Hunter
Jason Kubel
Michael Cuddyer
Brian Buscher
Alexi Casilla
That lineup 1-7 would be as good as any lineup in the bigs. Also let's look at the pitching staff we would have had.
Johan Santana
Matt Garza
Scott Baker
Frank Liriano
Nick Blackburn
That would leave Slowey and Perkins in the bullpen. Think of how good our team would be. Obviously hindsight is 20/20. But I am wondering if Bill Smith is trying to make the twins better or worse.
So he's got a 6 month window in my book to make things right. He has to handle the Joe Mauer contract. He also has to find a way to get a deal done, to turn the twin from pretenders to contenders. Take a risk, trade away a prospect. Think world series not division. Think this year not next year. The twins are close, so it wouldn't take much. And please stop putting Glen Perkins on the damn mound!
Twins GM Bill Smith needs to do something here prior to the trade deadline. If he doesn't he should be fired. Let's look back and see what ol Billy has done. He's the one who let Tori Hunter leave via free agency. I agreed with him at the time. But look at Tori Hunter now. The thing is, it is Billy Smith's job to predict that kind of thing, not mine. He traded Matt Garza, and Jason Bartlett for Delmon Young. He also traded Johan Santana to the Mets for a collection of shit. If he would have done nothing but sign the players we already had. This is what our lineup would be today.
Denard Span
Jason Bartlett
Joe Mauer
Justin Morneau
Tori Hunter
Jason Kubel
Michael Cuddyer
Brian Buscher
Alexi Casilla
That lineup 1-7 would be as good as any lineup in the bigs. Also let's look at the pitching staff we would have had.
Johan Santana
Matt Garza
Scott Baker
Frank Liriano
Nick Blackburn
That would leave Slowey and Perkins in the bullpen. Think of how good our team would be. Obviously hindsight is 20/20. But I am wondering if Bill Smith is trying to make the twins better or worse.
So he's got a 6 month window in my book to make things right. He has to handle the Joe Mauer contract. He also has to find a way to get a deal done, to turn the twin from pretenders to contenders. Take a risk, trade away a prospect. Think world series not division. Think this year not next year. The twins are close, so it wouldn't take much. And please stop putting Glen Perkins on the damn mound!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
What a weird Hday???
Ask yourself this question. What is the weirdest thing you can imagine yourself doing in an hour from now. If I would have asked myself that same question last Wednesday I wouldn't have been even close to guessing something as crazy as what actually happened.
I'm sitting at my desk around 11:15, pondering whether lineup for my fantasy baseball team. Suddenly I get a phone call, and the guy on the other end asks, "Teem do you still want to go to runch?" I forgot that I had agreed to lunch with this little Hmong man over a week ago, to discuss us hosting his golf tournament. So he tells me he'll pick me up in a half an hour.
So I get in the car with this man who I've met for 30 seconds of my life. I ask him where we are going to lunch, maybe Buffalo Wild Wings, Ruby Tuesday, or somewhere near the river? He replies with, "I'm gonna take you somewhere you never beeen." So now I'm frightened, worried, and wondering why his wife, who's sitting in the back seat never talks. So we are heading farther and farther away from my work, when he hopes on the interstate. So now crazy things are going through my mind. He exits in St. Paul and proceeds to Hmong Town.
Now I have to admit this was a place I never intended or planned on visiting in my life. So he pulls in and the first stop is the Hmong farmers market. There are hundreds of people here and every single on of them is Hmong. I am literally the only white person there. Which also means I was the tallest person there. I thought that for first time in my life I was the best basketball player out of a group. So now I'm walking around as a not only a minority, but the only minority. So we're walking around eating things I've never seen before. Some things are good, some things are bad, some things are just leaves. We walk into the market section of Hmong town. The temperature was just a shade cooler than the surface of the sun. I asked why they didn't have air conditioners, and he replied, "Teem if we would have want aer conditiona we would go to wawmat, or target." I saw Hmong clothing, movies, cd's, etc. It was basically just like any other mall, except it was 150 degrees and nobody was over 5 feet tall. So we make out way to the food court.
The food court was our next stop. Having worked with food quite a bit, and having my food handlers license. I can say with the utmost certainty that the health inspector does not frequent Hmong town. So we sit at a table, and join a couple of men who are already there. They are very friendly and polite. We are then joined by a person described to me as General Pow's son. I am told that he is basically the son the man who negotiated the Hmong out of Laos into Thailand, and then eventually into America. So he is a dignitary to say the least. He has bodyguards with ear pieces, so he must be a big deal. Food is being brought to us by the wife of one of the men. We begin with Egg Rolls which are really good. While I'm eating a delicious egg roll, a giant vat of rice is set in the middle of the table. One man begins to dig his hands into the rice and eat with his hands. I think to myself that this man is very rude. I pick up my fork and am about to dig scoop some out when I hear, "You not need fork here, you use hands." So a quick debate breaks out in my head. Do I look rude and continue to use my "American" fork, or do I dig my hand in there. The same hand that I pissed with earlier and didn't wash my hands. The same hand that had at some point earlier counted filthy cash. This would potentially make everyone in the group violently sick. After about 3 seconds I dug my piss covered germ hands in there, and starting scooping out rice. After a few more dishes, like pork and sausage, I was told we were getting a delicacy. Out comes 5 bowls of soup for us all. The bowls barely touched the table top, and the guys were digging in. It was the first time that some of them had used silverware. I am looking at it, wondering what it is. As I'm about to take my first bite, I am told it is intestine soup. I've never seen an intestine, but I was pretty accurate on what I kind of thought an intestine would look like. I don't know what it was the intestine too, maybe a pig??? Whatever it was it was terrible. So I ate about a half dozen or so bites, and called lunch over. The meal itself was fine. But I had never eaten so many things that I didn't know what they were.
After lunch we cruised out the market a little bit more, and he explained the Hmong culture to me. His wife was with the entire time, and I had yet to hear her speak. We finally leave and head back to work. The people were very polite, and very friendly. But this was one of the oddest, and strangest things I've ever done. I was not prepping myself for a cultural experience. I was not mentally prepared to be a minority that day. After 2 1/2 hours I was ready to be back in my world. The man ended up booking a golf tournament. So It all worked out in the long run. I finally was coming out of culture shock, and then I remembered I'd most likely do it all again when I went to Sams Club.
I'm sitting at my desk around 11:15, pondering whether lineup for my fantasy baseball team. Suddenly I get a phone call, and the guy on the other end asks, "Teem do you still want to go to runch?" I forgot that I had agreed to lunch with this little Hmong man over a week ago, to discuss us hosting his golf tournament. So he tells me he'll pick me up in a half an hour.
So I get in the car with this man who I've met for 30 seconds of my life. I ask him where we are going to lunch, maybe Buffalo Wild Wings, Ruby Tuesday, or somewhere near the river? He replies with, "I'm gonna take you somewhere you never beeen." So now I'm frightened, worried, and wondering why his wife, who's sitting in the back seat never talks. So we are heading farther and farther away from my work, when he hopes on the interstate. So now crazy things are going through my mind. He exits in St. Paul and proceeds to Hmong Town.
Now I have to admit this was a place I never intended or planned on visiting in my life. So he pulls in and the first stop is the Hmong farmers market. There are hundreds of people here and every single on of them is Hmong. I am literally the only white person there. Which also means I was the tallest person there. I thought that for first time in my life I was the best basketball player out of a group. So now I'm walking around as a not only a minority, but the only minority. So we're walking around eating things I've never seen before. Some things are good, some things are bad, some things are just leaves. We walk into the market section of Hmong town. The temperature was just a shade cooler than the surface of the sun. I asked why they didn't have air conditioners, and he replied, "Teem if we would have want aer conditiona we would go to wawmat, or target." I saw Hmong clothing, movies, cd's, etc. It was basically just like any other mall, except it was 150 degrees and nobody was over 5 feet tall. So we make out way to the food court.
The food court was our next stop. Having worked with food quite a bit, and having my food handlers license. I can say with the utmost certainty that the health inspector does not frequent Hmong town. So we sit at a table, and join a couple of men who are already there. They are very friendly and polite. We are then joined by a person described to me as General Pow's son. I am told that he is basically the son the man who negotiated the Hmong out of Laos into Thailand, and then eventually into America. So he is a dignitary to say the least. He has bodyguards with ear pieces, so he must be a big deal. Food is being brought to us by the wife of one of the men. We begin with Egg Rolls which are really good. While I'm eating a delicious egg roll, a giant vat of rice is set in the middle of the table. One man begins to dig his hands into the rice and eat with his hands. I think to myself that this man is very rude. I pick up my fork and am about to dig scoop some out when I hear, "You not need fork here, you use hands." So a quick debate breaks out in my head. Do I look rude and continue to use my "American" fork, or do I dig my hand in there. The same hand that I pissed with earlier and didn't wash my hands. The same hand that had at some point earlier counted filthy cash. This would potentially make everyone in the group violently sick. After about 3 seconds I dug my piss covered germ hands in there, and starting scooping out rice. After a few more dishes, like pork and sausage, I was told we were getting a delicacy. Out comes 5 bowls of soup for us all. The bowls barely touched the table top, and the guys were digging in. It was the first time that some of them had used silverware. I am looking at it, wondering what it is. As I'm about to take my first bite, I am told it is intestine soup. I've never seen an intestine, but I was pretty accurate on what I kind of thought an intestine would look like. I don't know what it was the intestine too, maybe a pig??? Whatever it was it was terrible. So I ate about a half dozen or so bites, and called lunch over. The meal itself was fine. But I had never eaten so many things that I didn't know what they were.
After lunch we cruised out the market a little bit more, and he explained the Hmong culture to me. His wife was with the entire time, and I had yet to hear her speak. We finally leave and head back to work. The people were very polite, and very friendly. But this was one of the oddest, and strangest things I've ever done. I was not prepping myself for a cultural experience. I was not mentally prepared to be a minority that day. After 2 1/2 hours I was ready to be back in my world. The man ended up booking a golf tournament. So It all worked out in the long run. I finally was coming out of culture shock, and then I remembered I'd most likely do it all again when I went to Sams Club.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Who Cares?
People are often misrepresented after they die. I know why this happens, and it makes sense. You don't want to walk all over someone over someone after they pass away. But in the case of Michael Jackson, who cares?
This guy had talent, money, and fame. He was one of the most recognizable people in the world for the last 40 years. But he was also a pedophile and a freak. He hasn't made an actual contribution to the music industry in over 15 years. So that would means that an entire generation only knows of him for touching little boys, wearing a mask, and hanging his baby over a railing, four stories up. In my opinion the world is better off without him.
You keep hearing that he had a terrible child hood, and his father was a bad person. That is the case for most sex offenders and criminals. So because he could sing and dance we need to overlook the fact he was an accused pedophile. He has never been convicted of anything, but does anyone really think he is innocent. O.J. wasn't found guilty either. Watching TV they're thousands of people worldwide crying, and distraught over the fact that Michael died. These people are crazy as hell, and should have all abilities to reproduce taken away. How much can a celebrity touch your life that you cry, and gather when they die?
In my personal opinion the world is better off without this freak. He befriended children with his Neverland ranch, and then took advantage of their insecurity's to violate them. None of this has ever been proven, but there have been numerous accusations. One of them shut up after an out of court settlement. I feel bad for his kids. They had to live the first part of their lives with this freak, and now they have to live the rest of their lives without a dad. They are basically sex offenders in waiting. I will not miss his music, because anything worthwhile that he made, we can listen to on CD. There is no reason to think that he was going to make great music in the future. We can keep waiting for the results for the autopsy and cause of death. But WHO CARES?
This guy had talent, money, and fame. He was one of the most recognizable people in the world for the last 40 years. But he was also a pedophile and a freak. He hasn't made an actual contribution to the music industry in over 15 years. So that would means that an entire generation only knows of him for touching little boys, wearing a mask, and hanging his baby over a railing, four stories up. In my opinion the world is better off without him.
You keep hearing that he had a terrible child hood, and his father was a bad person. That is the case for most sex offenders and criminals. So because he could sing and dance we need to overlook the fact he was an accused pedophile. He has never been convicted of anything, but does anyone really think he is innocent. O.J. wasn't found guilty either. Watching TV they're thousands of people worldwide crying, and distraught over the fact that Michael died. These people are crazy as hell, and should have all abilities to reproduce taken away. How much can a celebrity touch your life that you cry, and gather when they die?
In my personal opinion the world is better off without this freak. He befriended children with his Neverland ranch, and then took advantage of their insecurity's to violate them. None of this has ever been proven, but there have been numerous accusations. One of them shut up after an out of court settlement. I feel bad for his kids. They had to live the first part of their lives with this freak, and now they have to live the rest of their lives without a dad. They are basically sex offenders in waiting. I will not miss his music, because anything worthwhile that he made, we can listen to on CD. There is no reason to think that he was going to make great music in the future. We can keep waiting for the results for the autopsy and cause of death. But WHO CARES?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What If?
There is something happening right now that most of the country doesn't really know about. It's our little secret here in Minnesota. We'll let you know soon enough, but this is our secret, our news. Once everyone else finds out it will become every one's news. There will be magazine covers, Sunday conversations, national reporter after national reporter asking, what if?
The news of course is the fact that Joe Mauer is batting over .400. He is currently batting .429, with a more than 50 point lead over any other player with at least 150 at bats. No one has batted .400 for 68 years. But what if Joe Mauer does it?
Joe Mauer is as Minnesotan as Lake Mille Lacs. He is ours. He grew up here, he has never left looking for greener pastures, and a bigger spotlight. Remember he had a scholarship offer from Florida St. to be the quarterback. We all know someone who knows him, and they all say that he is a great guy. I've never heard an ill word spoke about him. He has the boyish good looks, with the right answers all the time. Last night he went 4 for 4 and said he came into that game not feeling well, and just wanted to give his team the best chance to win. He's won 2 batting titles as a catcher.
He will show up in all the newspaper leader boards nation wide right before the all-star break if he plays at his current pace. So be prepared for the reporters at the all star game to ask all the questions that accompany someone chasing history. Also remember Joe Mauer is a free agent after next year. Jorge Posada is wearing down, and Jason Varitek is terrible, so don't think these teams won't offer him the world. He could possibly be a 27 year old catcher who has won 3 batting titles, 3 gold gloves, found his power, and batted .400. I hope the Twins sign him soon, because if he hits .400 his price tag will no longer be Twins money, it will be Yankees money. So in 2 years it might be 1. Jeter 2. Mauer 3. Rodriguez 4. Texiera, what if?
The news of course is the fact that Joe Mauer is batting over .400. He is currently batting .429, with a more than 50 point lead over any other player with at least 150 at bats. No one has batted .400 for 68 years. But what if Joe Mauer does it?
Joe Mauer is as Minnesotan as Lake Mille Lacs. He is ours. He grew up here, he has never left looking for greener pastures, and a bigger spotlight. Remember he had a scholarship offer from Florida St. to be the quarterback. We all know someone who knows him, and they all say that he is a great guy. I've never heard an ill word spoke about him. He has the boyish good looks, with the right answers all the time. Last night he went 4 for 4 and said he came into that game not feeling well, and just wanted to give his team the best chance to win. He's won 2 batting titles as a catcher.
He will show up in all the newspaper leader boards nation wide right before the all-star break if he plays at his current pace. So be prepared for the reporters at the all star game to ask all the questions that accompany someone chasing history. Also remember Joe Mauer is a free agent after next year. Jorge Posada is wearing down, and Jason Varitek is terrible, so don't think these teams won't offer him the world. He could possibly be a 27 year old catcher who has won 3 batting titles, 3 gold gloves, found his power, and batted .400. I hope the Twins sign him soon, because if he hits .400 his price tag will no longer be Twins money, it will be Yankees money. So in 2 years it might be 1. Jeter 2. Mauer 3. Rodriguez 4. Texiera, what if?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sams Club
When you think of old white guys, Asians everywhere, English as a second language, chaos, and filth, what comes to mind. For most people you would say Vietnam,WWII or the setting for a new Clint Eastwood movie. That is usually what comes to mind, unless you've ever been to Sams Club. Every time I walk into this place I feel like I'm part of the Tet offensive, or Hiroshima.
What is it about the Hmong and needing 3 gallons of ranch, or 16,000 saltine crackers. Maybe it's the fact that they don't live in single family homes, more like communes. I'm sure if we followed a few of these people home, the inside of the houses would look like New Delhi, India. I go to Sams Club for work related items. We buy stuff there because we have 2000+ customers walking through our doors in a good week. They go there to feed their families of 70. They must watch Jon and Kate plus 8 and find it comical how easy raising a family of 8 is. They think try raising a family of 22 with no jobs. TLC's next series will be Vang and Chu plus 22.
What about these old people. They are buying food that will far outlast themselves. I saw a guy today buy a box of 5000 coffee filters. He was at least 85, so if he makes a pot of coffee a day, he has to live to be 98 years old, and by the way he was moving he isn't going to make it.
What was the point of WWII or Vietnam? Was it so someday allies and enemies could shop in bulk together? History teachers should take field trips here. You could sum up 3 wars, and international relations, and business all in one trip.
What about the workers. Is bathing not part of the requirement. I have to dodge their grease and acne every time I hand them a check. When I go there they always ask, is this Tax Exempt. No I am buying 288 bottles of water, 600 bags of chips, 120 muffins, 100 rolls of toilet paper, 4 cartons of cigarettes, and 576 snickers bars for home. Of course it's tax exempt. The typical life of a sams club worker is this. She dropped out of high school and moved in with her older boyfriend who worked on cars and sold drugs. She got a tatoo, and got pregnant. Her parents time and time again pleaded for her to come home, but she couldn't leave her boyfriend. Plus he was working on his GED. But then she walked in on her boyfriend banging a burger king worker. So she moved home, stopped doing meth, and tried to straighten her life out. Her only option was Sams Club.
I hate Sams Club!
What is it about the Hmong and needing 3 gallons of ranch, or 16,000 saltine crackers. Maybe it's the fact that they don't live in single family homes, more like communes. I'm sure if we followed a few of these people home, the inside of the houses would look like New Delhi, India. I go to Sams Club for work related items. We buy stuff there because we have 2000+ customers walking through our doors in a good week. They go there to feed their families of 70. They must watch Jon and Kate plus 8 and find it comical how easy raising a family of 8 is. They think try raising a family of 22 with no jobs. TLC's next series will be Vang and Chu plus 22.
What about these old people. They are buying food that will far outlast themselves. I saw a guy today buy a box of 5000 coffee filters. He was at least 85, so if he makes a pot of coffee a day, he has to live to be 98 years old, and by the way he was moving he isn't going to make it.
What was the point of WWII or Vietnam? Was it so someday allies and enemies could shop in bulk together? History teachers should take field trips here. You could sum up 3 wars, and international relations, and business all in one trip.
What about the workers. Is bathing not part of the requirement. I have to dodge their grease and acne every time I hand them a check. When I go there they always ask, is this Tax Exempt. No I am buying 288 bottles of water, 600 bags of chips, 120 muffins, 100 rolls of toilet paper, 4 cartons of cigarettes, and 576 snickers bars for home. Of course it's tax exempt. The typical life of a sams club worker is this. She dropped out of high school and moved in with her older boyfriend who worked on cars and sold drugs. She got a tatoo, and got pregnant. Her parents time and time again pleaded for her to come home, but she couldn't leave her boyfriend. Plus he was working on his GED. But then she walked in on her boyfriend banging a burger king worker. So she moved home, stopped doing meth, and tried to straighten her life out. Her only option was Sams Club.
I hate Sams Club!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Captain Kirk vs. Luke Skywalker
I never watched the Star Trek series growing up. Actually I never watched Star Wars until I was 18. So after seeing the new Star Trek movie last night I think I was missing out. I loved Star Wars after seeing those movies, and now I am equally fascinated in Star Trek. They are similar but different. It's kind of like Superman, Spiderman, and Batman. It's always fun to debate who would win in a fight between the super heroes. There obviously has to be stipulations, which makes it hard to really decipher who wins. But let's look at Luke Sywalker vs. Captain James T. Kirk.
Luke Skywalker was a 5'7'' blue eyes blonde hair human. He was born on Polis Massa, and his hometown is Tatooine. He was a member of the new jedi order, new republic, and the galactic alliance. Luke's father was Anakin Skywalker, later known as Darth Vadar. Luke was a skilled pilot and fearless leader. Luke's mentor Ben Kenobi was also a jedi knight. Luke surrounded himself with valuable yet diverse cohorts. The main members of his crew were R2-D2, C-3PO, Han Solo, and chewbacca. Eventually Ben Kenobi would sacrifice his own life for the betterment of Skywalker. Luke had many victories in his quest to bring peace to the universe including terminating the feared death star. Luke's biggest challenge was overcoming his own inner demons. He feared he would be drawn to the dark side much like his father. He hated death, and the immense loss of life that war caused eventually leading him leave the military. Later in life he married had a child and developed the new Jedi Order
James T. Kirk was also human. He was born in space, and lived in all places Iowa. He was the starfleet captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Kirk's father sacrificed his life ensuring that James and his mother would survive. Kirk was a brash, and fearless captain. James Kirk had a crew that included Spock, Leonard McCoy and Montgomery Scott. Kirk was a womanizer leading a life of mischief and petty crime until Captain Pike found him beaten and bloody at an Iowan bar and convinced him that the StarFleet needed captains with his never say never attitude. Not wanting to tarnish his fathers legacy, and to prove that the great sacrifice his father was worth it. He joined the starfleet.
Now I have seen one Star Trek movie, and six Star Wars movies. I didn't watch the TV series, or read any books. So I am basing everything on those 7 movies. You have to take away the force. With the force this is a no-brainer, Luke Skywalker wins easily. So if you take away the force you're left with two humans who traveled in time and space to defeat the enemies. You have to take away their crews too. Han Solo vs. Spock would be a great under card.
Hand to hand combat goes to Kirk. He grew up fighting in bars. Skywalker always fell back on the force. Luke has the light saber which Kirk would have no answer to when Skywalker used the force. But again we're taking the force away, so Luke would be left with a sword. And since Kirk is good with a gun, I'll take Kirk.
Mentally Kirk is a rock. He doesn't fear anything. That's what makes him so tough to beat. Luke might have the intelligence to use that against him too. Kirk once got inside Spock's head and forced him to resign as captain of the enterprise, only later to name him 1st officer. So Kirk can beat you mentally. And we all know that Luke is a head case. Luke's best chance here would be to stay controlled and bait Kirk into a overzealous action, putting Luke in a favorable position. But since I've never seen Kirk put in jeopardy, I can't assume Luke would get him there. So Kirk has the upper hand here too.
Weighing all of the options I do not see a way that Luke Skywalker could possibly take down James Kirk. I have to rule that Captain James T. Kirk is the winner.
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