Friday, July 24, 2009

Anoka County Fair

Let me paint a little picture in your mind. Think of a person. This person has thin, raspy, greasy hair. The hair isn't consistent, you could describe it as patchy at best. Their skin is neither tan nor pale, it is simply dirty. This person hasn't seen a dentist since Reagan was in office. They all own toothbrush's simply to brush their lone tooth. You're probably thinking about a carny right now aren't you. You are very close. Except I know of a place where the carny's are upper class. They outclass, outdress, and can simply outsmart the customers. The place I'm talking about is the Anoka County Fair.
The slogan should be "The Anoka County Fair, this is where evolution stopped." I have lived in Anoka County my entire life minus one year living in Duluth. But these people aren't my neighbors, my friends, and I don't think they're even my species.
Here is the problem with the Anoka County Fair. It just doesn't know where it belongs. I'm sure all of the other County Fairs have their pros, and cons. But Anoka county is different. We have a very diverse demographic. We have actual working farms in the northern part of the county, and working girls, and murders in the southern part of the county. We have upper class, and lower low class. We have black, white, Asian, and dirty. So mix all of that up and what comes out? The Anoka County fair.
If you have been there you know what I'm talking about. If you've never been, good, don't go. If you live in Minnesota and want to see where our tax dollars are going, and a tractor pull in the same night. Stop on by the Anoka County Fair!


Anonymous said...

I think I know who you are talking about. The guy with the patchy hair and looks like he is dirty...........Billy Ganser. He is a fucking icon of Anoka County

Anonymous said...

I heard that Bill will suck your cock for a Pabst Blue Ribbon ;-)

Ganser said...


Josh W said...

I am pretty sure that the Fair gets worse and worse each year. I am also wondering where all these people that were going to the fair on Friday actually went? Next year when somone suggests we all go to the fair and says everyone is going, I am going to punch them in the face and say remember what happened last year!

T1M said...

For some people leaving their house is an event itself. So leaving their house, and going to the fair would take months upon months of planning.