It is very sad to hear about that lady who was mauled by the monkey last week. It is a very sad and unfortunate incident. But I want to talk about this a little bit.
Now I want to preface this by saying that I do not wish any harm or pain on anyone but what do they expect? In the case of this woman she was working with a trained monkey. In the case of Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy fame was working with a trained Tiger. What does it mean for a monkey and tiger to be trained? Whose fault is it? Whose fault is it when a Rottweiler or any other dog attacks a human? What do these people expect?
These animals didn't go to an audition or sign up to be a tiger in a Las Vegas magic show, or an acting monkey, or a pet. These are animals. They signed up to be animals. I'm sure that monkey would rather be flinging poo, and hanging from trees in Africa. But us humans want to put the monkey in Old Navy commercials so we can sell more jeans. I would be willing to bet that, Roy Horn's tiger would rather be hunting elephants and gazelles and sleeping in the jungle all day. But we would rather see that Tiger doing magic tricks for our entertainment purposes. So why do we find it so wrong that these animals act like animals. The tiger acted like a tiger and the monkey acted like a monkey. I'm sure there are many other attacks each year throughout the world. But these are the ones that come to mind. Now I'm not some big animal activist, but I do not like hearing that these monkeys and tiger needed to be killed because they acted like monkeys and tigers. I'm not sure what to do with these dog breeds that kill and injure humans. But I for one would never own one. I can't believe these morons that put their family and friends in danger because they want a big scary dog. You hear about these idiots that own tigers and lions and other exotic pets. Why don't we just let the animals be animals?
What Michael Vick did was a terrible crime in some peoples eyes. But what is worse letting dogs fight against other dogs? Eating dogs, like they do in some parts of the world? Or letting one of these dogs rip the face off of one of your neighbors? We say it's all right to eat some animals like cows, and pigs. We love watching some animals fight in the wild, like lions and crocs and other wild animals. Some people own rottweilers as protection, asking them to maul or Mame if someone were to come onto our junkyard. We use German Sheppard to fight crime. So who's in charge of the animals, and who gets to decide what we can and can't do with each species?
Let's go with the religious belief here for a moment. God put animals on earth along with us to co-habitate. We were doing fine for nearly 2000 years until we decided that we needed these animals for our own personal entertainment or actors in commercials. And now that these animals are doing what they've done for 2000 years, act like animals. We're going to kill them for it. We have states that don't have the death penalty. But as soon as a monkey or tiger acts like a monkey or tiger we kill it. But go ahead rape and murder a child in Minnesota and we'll feed you and shelter you for the rest of your life.
Let's go with the evolutionary belief now. So that belief says that every species evolves and adapts with time. So over time we should expect these Tigers to get sick of letting some magician put his head in the tigers mouth. But when the tiger acts like a tiger we kill it. What if a group of dogs eventually became organized to take a human as a pet, what would we do?
Like I said before it is sad to hear that someone lost their eyes, nose, hair, and fingers. It is definitely not deserved, but is it unexpected? I'll continue to eat beef and pork and go to the zoo. But I'll never own or train an animal whose first instinct is to hunt, kill, and harm. And for those who do own or train one of these animals, they should be fully aware of what can and often times does happen.
"What if a group of dogs eventually became organized to take a human as a pet, what would we do?"
What? I hope this happens in my lifetime. Bryan, the pet human!
I'm not saying it is going to happen. But this monkey was skilled enough to shit on a toilet. I can't even do that half the time!
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