Monday, November 17, 2008

D. McNabb

Is he an absolute idiot? He says he didn't know that you can tie in the NFL. Does this idiot live under a rock. How does a player in the NFL not fully understand the rules. The last tie game prior to yesterday in the NFL was in 2002. He wasn't aware of that happening. He played one of the teams that tied in the playoffs that year. He didn't know what their record was. It just shows that some of these guys are just complete morons. How is it that every single fan sitting at home is well aware of the fact that a tie can happen.
McNabb attended and graduated from Syracuse University. Now I would have thought that through 16 years of schooling he would have developed the ability to think critically. But apparently that isn't something the star QB needs to do.
I think most average sports fans could give you the game ending procedures for each of the four major sports, and NCAA football and basketball as well. I would think that being a part of the NFL you might want to know the rules. Especially when the referee explains them at the beginning of overtime. I assume Donovan McNabb is a captain, what was he doing out there?

1 comment:

varniklili said...

who Kati Cawley is?
watch this video: