I don't know if you've read the story of this nine year old little leaguer but it's pathetic. What is wrong with people these days. No one wants to win or be the best anymore. I heard a good quote from the Olympics. "You don't win silver, you lose gold." America was built with the idea that everyone should have the opportunity to succeed to the fullest of their abilities. But some 9 year old kid is to good, so they won't let him play. I can assure you that the people making these decisions have never excelled at anything in their lives. They don't know what it's like to win or be good at something because they never have. They are the ones who consistently tell their kids that everyone is created equal. What is wrong with a 9 year old who dominates everyone in their league. Every youth sport has one, the kid is either living through his sports prime now and everyone will catch up in 3-4 years, or he is the next Johan Santana. I'd bet on the latter. So what's the problem, I had a kid in my little league who would make guys cry at the plate he through so hard. He went on to pitch on a division I baseball team. But you know what we're all still alive. I don't think the problem is the kids on the opposing teams, but it's the loser parents who need to be too involved. The kids need to learn this lesson. There will always be someone better than you, so you have to continue to work hard and try to put yourself in a position to succeed. But noooooo the parents are going to disband the team, and forfeit games. What a bunch of pussies. The dads in this group of pussy parents have smaller testicles than any of the kids. These are the same dads, that didn't touch, see or smell a real pussy until they paid for it. These dads, when they were kids had to be sent to summer camps because they couldn't make friends in their own neighborhoods, and their parents would just rather not have them around. Sam Cassell said "Some guys run their house, some guys run around their house." These guys definitely run around their houses. Now let's focus on the these psychopathic mom's. Oh boy I can't imagine these bitches. These are the types of women who put the fear of god in their own husbands. They aren't going to let anything bad happen to their little angels. All the while little Johnny's in the garage snorting blow, getting a BJ from Sarah down the block. These women create imaginary worlds for their families. They think they are just so perfect. But all they are doing is draining the testosterone from every man they come in contact with. I've seen it a thousand times.
What happened to competition. It's the co-ed sports theory that is ruining the competitive world. Instead of going out and trying to beat your opposition, you'd rather have fun with them. It's all of these guys that play co-ed sports because their girlfriends/wives/masters, want them too. I'm not saying you shouldn't have fun and compete at the same time, but the competition is lost in translation. And it's showing on our youth. If the revolutionary war was fought today, ol Molly Pitcher would be serving drinks to both sides. The red coats are coming, the red coats are coming. . . . . . don't worry they're just coming to play co-ed war. This way no one get's the feelings hurt, and no one will die. I'm just glad that my dad's generation and the one's before it had enough stones to make this country what it is, I just hope we don't ruin it.
That's awesome. Totally agree.
I have actually heard that some elementary phy ed classes no longer keep score because "everyone's a winner." Complete BS.
I don't understand the advantage of saying everyone's a winner. Because every's not. Losing isn't the end of the world either.
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